Lost cause mate.
Most Mythic CN guilds wont take 50% of the specs. Doesn’t take away that Demo is still middle of the pack in terms of damage.
This tier is tuned so tightly that most specs are seen as not viable for high end mythic raiding.
And I’ve already told you why this is wrong and you keep regurgitating this misinformation. So youre either trolling or dumb at this point.
Trust me we know it is . We know it because it sucked in Heroic, it sucks in M+, and it sucks in PvP. We know its mroe than 10% behind affliction.
A mistweaver banged Ion’s girl
People don’t understand this. Parses are only as accurate as the skill of the people playing the spec.
If all the people who are capable of a 100% parse on demo are playing aff and the best people playing demo are only capable of an 80% parse, that 80% parse is suddenly the 100% parse.
Didn’t know Reedwise was playing MW now.
Mythic CN has most every1 thinking they need to play FOTM to raid is the problem. The raid is too hard for the majority.
Not even sure Why I am trying to show a 45% parsing afflic lock why Demo isn’t bad. He can’t even play affliction.
For the love of god, blizz needs to understand that this “buff” wont fix whats wrong with Havoc…
Chaos strike needs to be tweaked…
We need our meta back to the 3 minutes cd
We need synergies on our abilities, procs, new abilities that gives us choice and a dmg window outside meta
Also… Dh isnt behind of almost any class just by 3%…
Don’t worry, Ill heal you until I run out of mana, then I wont battle res you.
*Dh screech noises *
The people who could push parses at 100% arnt going to waste their time on a lesser spec outside of WCL flexing for the donkeys who just look at the tip top of the site and go “Yup. This spec good”.
The only people who are left playing demonology are the die-hard mains who refuse to swap and accept the mediocrity. No good player or guild is going to allow demonology for progression when they are gimping themselves by a massive amount not being affliction. The 34 Xymox mythic parses are by DEDICATED DEMONOLOGY ONE TRICKS. NOT “BAD” PLAYERS.
If anything your logic is used backwards. Affliction could be HIGHER on its average mean DPS but its being held back by lesser players bringing the spec down because they are forced to play it or are not good with it but see “unga bunga affliction top, me play affliction me be top too”.
This is some solid level trolling again Blizzard , you got too many bites
Arcane Mages need a buff.
I’ll buff you if I’m not out of mana first, but then again I don’t have a buff, so I wont battle res you either.
Pretty sure this is a typo. Don’t you mean " All damage abilities decreased by 30%"
I think the question needs to be asked again. How exactly are you testing the balance of classes, when the base talents of some of them are currently bugged?
You do nothing about intervene in PVP, given warriors are already too ridiculous there, now u even buff them up by 3% additional damage ?
What is going on ?! Like Hello ?!?!?!
What does lead paint taste like? Because 3% to Havoc tells me that you enjoy it regularly.
Gee, I wonder if assassination will be good this time. /eyeroll
Maybe the problem needs a little more effort to solve?
Maybe he saw the link to this post that somebody made last night. So funny!