Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

Wow you really don’t like Demo do you??
Demo was 9th for DZ

Just the performance of a spec. That you claim is never good.

Go play the spec if you really enjoy Demo. Stop being a FOTM player. Don’t cry when ur spec isn’t #1 and claim its never good.

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Protip always is, play the underdog spec, if you’re good at it you’ll ALWAYS parse well :slight_smile:

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Thy compatriots ought to tune Warlock’s Demonology back to Mists of Pandaria methinks; to a time when it was fun, and more about empowering the Warlock than spawning imps all over the shop and throwing dogs at people.


never claimed it was never good. Just like your using your for you’re and all that. All star rankings don’t count for anything. Rank 1 allstar when a total of maybe 20 top 100 parses for an entire tier isnt good mate. Just proves you’re the best player of a meh spec.

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Do be fair, MM was already nerfed hard weeks ago and as people are gearing up, they’re barely middle of the pack now.

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TBF… ToT Demo was literally using a broken trinket to spawn imps everywhere.

That isn’t all star. Its raw numbers of spec damage at 90% parse.

and they still haven’t left the bottom of the pile.

That trinket was the worst when it would proc maybe once a fight and amazing when it proced a lot lol. Feast or famine lol.

You still havent replied to me to debunk my claim that demonology is bottom trash on every fight but once you get to Xymox its placed number 2 because of its inflated average dps across its low sample size of 34 players which indicates its not doing well. (Go to heroic or normal Xymox, where it gets evened out and goes back to the bottom barrel/)

Being playable isnt the only means to being viable. Being viable means theres some benefit to playing a spec even if it offers less overall damage competing against its own class.

Feral offers one of if not the best ST damage profiles in the game which gives you SOME merit to playing it over balance.

Sub is 100x better in PvP than Outlaw whereas in PvE its the opposite so theres SOME merit to playing each spec.

Demonology has no merits to make it more desirable over affliction/destruction in any content. Thats been true since legion launch. Its just as convoluted as affliction with no pay off whereas you can at least make the argument for destruction that its simplicity is a draw.

The spec is garbage.


That trinket was the bane of my existence lol… like you said, it either worked well or it left you hanging.

Silly burst meta gets even sillier, film at 11. Please waltz yourself out into PvP, and attempt to cast a 2.5 second cast on a cloth class… seriously, is there any QA or thought at all given to how things effect PvP? Arms warriors are already unkillable death machines… but hey, moar damage right?


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I guess that “We’d rather you didn’t play Demonology” still holds true.

Also lol @ buffing Frost when it’s already strong in PvP.

Windwalker also needs a nerf in PvP.


You mean like the 5% buff Destro is getting?

I didn’t say the spec was better then Affliction. I said the spec is performing middle of the pack for M CN currently. Also with this tier we don’t have many people above 6/10M. So when you get to the top 500 guilds they only play FOTM. Demo could be only 10% behind affliction and you would never know it.

Just like how there is only 3 MW’s that killed M Generals/Dentharius. Really hard tier and most top guilds need that FOTM.

I also said nothing about PVP.

I agree, our primary rotation makes us use Evocation when we do 0 damage. When im in castle i find myself more out of mana than not. Our mana costs are just too high when we are expected to do the dps of hunters or druids who dont even need mana for their primary damage.


I don’t think you know how parses work my friend. Demo sucks in every parse you are bragging about. Making yourself look bad bro.

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You obviously didn’t look at the parse.

The destro buff wasn’t announced initially, it was put on later.

Looking at them now. Obviously you need to back off with this. The specs needs help. No guild will take a demo to CN on mythic unless it gets a tuning pass. Most of those heroic guilds who are " progressing" would pass on it as well.