Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

Why do they not change spells and abilities around instead of just flat percentages?


Oh man. DH doing 7k overall will
Now do 7200 overall while mages still doing 10k+

We didn’t need a flat dmg buff. We needed buds this our talents. And complete rework to some of them

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Eeeek this looks promising, thanks for all the MW love, you listened Blizzard… WAIT… Ommmmmmm back #afkinoribos


No, most fights had a demo lock or 2 mixed in the top 100 for mythic while having more gear than most of the other lock specs one had 5 due to a cheese mechanic. Look at the actual top 100 lock logs for mythic raiding. By eternal palace I swapped to my hunter for main progression.


There numbers show your wrong. Deal with it. Demo and Afflic and Destro were all great dps specs for Mythic Nya. It was that good and still no1 played Demo. People just like to play destro more.
post-nerf 1

Even right now demo isn’t that bad when based on numbers. At least its upper middle.

Demon Hunters need Jesus, not a 3% buff.


Doesn’t fix anything. Core gameplay is horrible wash, rinse, repeat as needed mess.

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So the spec was awful in m+ , awful in PvP, and the worst of the 3 specs in raiding.

Sounds like the spec was awful then?


Thank goodness for BM Hunter boost.

Bless your soul. /salute

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The warlock that likes to play demo just claimed it was good in M+.

Its only upper middle because theres 34 parses inflating it on xymox and inerva mythic and because its sample size mean is decent its placed way higher than it actually is.

On any other difficulty or individual mythic CN boss demonology is bottom tier gutter trash.

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Its looking at those worthless all star point rankings and trying to use it to prove its right…

What a weird expansion.


No the raw numbers show the spec had the viability. Just like in Dazar’alor . Your wrong and demo is playable a lot of the time in raiding.

If this thread isn’t sufficing and you want to see just how frustrated the player base is with these “buffs” outside the official forums, just check the Wowhead article.

Percentage adjustments are nonsense.

Entire specs that are falling behind and not scaling with gear (like arcane mage) are left off entirely.

I’ve played this game a long time and I think it’s finally hit me that they only look at raw numbers and not what the players want or think. Raw numbers can lie. Raw numbers from sims that are perfectly stacked against each other don’t take into account things like movement and execution of rotations absolutely perfectly without external forces.

I don’t want to swap my arcane mage to fire to raid. I hate fire. But now, as everyone else’s numbers go up with gear and mine stay the same, I find myself going from higher on the list to the bottom right above the tanks. Not sure I want to bother anymore.


Yeah around 8.1-8.3 lol.

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DANG! It was playable in 7.3 as well!

OOps i guess 7.2 as well.

WOW Demo was really good in Nighthold as well

Nope, in Mythic DZ the only fight it was good on was Opulence. With triple explosive potential.


you love those allstar ranks dont you.

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