I’d take that. That would be big.
I really would love a 10% dmg increase as MW. Maybe even 30% so Hpally isn’t double our dmg.
I’d take that. That would be big.
I really would love a 10% dmg increase as MW. Maybe even 30% so Hpally isn’t double our dmg.
where is the demonology love? notice there are barely any parces for it ?? thats because you guys have refused to fix it and tune it to be a comparable spec without having to rely on gimmicks and PI!!
Wow you’re still sticking to that wording huh? Every other DH in here has complained specifically about “Havoc” but the one who just said “PVE spec” is the one you base all your counterarguments on.
Havoc survivability is terrible, our skills are linear, nothing procs to another ability (outside of the Chaos Theory leggo), and it’s basically 3 button rotation – hell, its 2 if you go Cycle of Hatred build. It’s not fun to play, and arguing that the solution for HDHs is either to tank or be the token SINGLE player invited to a raid is laughable.
Ion clearly still hold the “We’d rather you not play Demonology” standpoint
Pour one out for the Mistweavers…
If affliction is so awesome, why aren’t the destro, and demon locks doing that?
Buff DEMONOLOGY you cowards I DONT want to play affliction I DONT want to play destruction.
Most can play it. They simply would rather demo since its been almost 2 full xpacks that its been in a playable raid state. Even in Legion it was gutted so often that most raids didnt want to take one in to NH and beyond. Affs just not fun for most.
Maybe it’s because Demon Hunters just spent two expansions being the premiere class for most content, so I really don’t care how poor of a state they’re in. Complaining about it, however, as though you’re being mistreated, is equally laughable.
Demon Hunters have always had a very simplistic rotation. I don’t know what makes you think something has changed.
HELLO. Demonology please. The Destro locks kick our butt after our burst is over.
I hate affliction. It’s like a needy wife, always needing attention.
In 8.3 all 3 warlock specs were good. BUT Destro was just king so every1 played it. Should of played demo in 8.3 if people liked it so much. Same problem mages had with fire.
Could not have explained this better! You win the internets! 8)
What about affliction?
We don’t think something has changed – that’s what you don’t seem to understand. We want something to change, because this isn’t fun. Putting aside the tired argument “DHs ruled everything for 2 expansions” which is patently false and based on memes or forum complaints, what we had going for us in the past is gone now, and instead of the rework the spec needed and whose feedback was ignored all of beta while Blizzard failed miserably at a single talent change, we get little flat aura buffs that don’t actually solve the problem.
But you don’t actually care about our plight, as you’ve said. Why are you still arguing at all?
Demo was only really good then in M+ due to implosion triple traited. And I did play it for M+ then.
honestly we need massive amounts of visibility for us to get any buffs as demo… and we just dont have it. like 200 ppl play demo in mythic raid…
In what reality is Blizzard under the mistaken impression that Arcane mages don’t deserve a buff, too?
I mean honestly.
Blizzard devs, are you asleep at the switch? The entire arcane mage player base is screaming for buffs. We are not scaling with gear. We are lagging behind considerably. Please reconsider and buff arcane a bit!
Wrong. Demo was good in raids as well. Very good. Same with Affliction. But people had to play Destro because it was broken good.
Holy Crap! What a Buff! Havoc and Warriors should all rejoice! If a Havoc does 1000 damage the buff adds 30 Damage! WARRIOR GET AN EXTRA 50 damage PER 1000, HOLY jEBUS! wHAT WILL WE DO WITH OUR NEW FOUND POWER!! Havoc will still insta die in BGs , no survivability because of Leech nerf and not get invited to rated PVP or Raids. Havoc, Warriors, Warlocks and all underperforming specs need serious fixes that will make a difference not token 3 to 5 % flat damage buffs that isnt enough, not even close. Meanwhile we are wasting our time and money sitting out half the game, its not right