Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

Sure, you can if the mage is too stupid to realize there is a respec button. Most of the buff classes don’t have a better option and are only there to be the token warrior/dh.

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No mistweaver buffs? Blizz must really hate that spec.


Lets not forget the 15% buff during pre-patch. They gutted the spec so much by removing all the borrowed powers and heavily nerfing enraged that even a ~30% overall is problably still not enough.

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Nice to see buffs, but what about Mist Weaver mana cost?

DPS aren’t the only things that exist. :expressionless:


Since your handling out them 5% buffs, can I get one on my rejuve. Actually while I got your attention blizzard make it 20%.

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To be quite frank with you, I don’t really care. Demon Hunters have a tank spec they are more than free to use if they feel as though DPS isn’t working out for them, which is the meta for M+ right now.

Don’t want to tank? Don’t complain about not having a usable PvE spec. You do, but you’re just too stubborn to learn it.

Cool, explain to me what warriors do then? By far the worst tank spec and near bottom of dps.

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they fluff my fur between ironfur stacks, sadly while obviously a major tongue in cheek comment it’s not horribly far from the truth all 3 warrior specs need some love from the devs in pve

Blizz doesn’t like warriors. They haven’t in a long time…

See that reference doesn’t really work cuz I’m already Affliction lol

5% on Destro is not enough to make it viable. It needs more like 15%.

Where’s the demo buffs?


They added 5% to destro later on, and updated the OP. Rejoice!!

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Bad DPS overall, but incredibly useful on execute phases for boss fights if they’re Venthyr, and they’re great for clearing trash/mobs by having some of the strongest cleave in the game.

What exactly is your point here? I never once said classes didn’t need a buff. All I ever said was is that there are reasons to bring along a class that may be underperforming.

Hoping there’s tank tuning incoming as well…


Their buffing it by 5%…

That wasn’t there in their initial post. Glad they’re doing something

Don’t worry, i’m not mad like pretty much most people above me.

I am happy with the way that enhancement shaman feels, so I will always play it, no matter what DPS level it will perform at. And guess what, even the worst of the worst DPS wise by the numbers can still find a place in all content of WoW except for super duper hardcore cutting edge stuff, which makes up like 5% of players, so don’t worry!

Thanks for dishing these out, and if I have the right to recommend something to quell those angry voices (bear with them, they play these characters everyday, like me, so change is meaningful). I would recommend to make the classes FEEL stronger as well, by taking a look at the core rotation and spicing it up.

WW monks are a prime example, easily one of the most popular classes right now because they feel amazing to play. Enhancement is good! Take a look at doing something with frostshock as it’s a filler when not using hailstorm, something like a proc of some sort. You have one for lava, storm, maybe it’s time to complete the circle and have one for ice ;3 thanks for the hard work, loving shadowlands.

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Oh lol, yeah it might break the aff meta, which would be and feel nice in raids as aff is so tedious to play. Especially on multi target fights.

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Oh boy this is like arms 3rd buff and they’ve been S tier in PvP since week 1, half of the classes in the game have received pvp specific nerfs but arms keeps dodging them somehow + benefits from the generic PvE buffs too.

Would be good to see a PvP specific change for them to go with this.

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  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • All damage abilities increased by 5%.
  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • All damage abilities increased by 3%.
    • Fury
      • All damage abilities increased by 3%.

So lets get this straight. Destro is getting a SECOND buff, warriors are getting buffs to TWO SPECS, but demo locks are left with their “staves” in their hands waiting for you to give them some love?

Ion still not want anyone to play demo? That was what he said in Legion when he landed the killing blow to the spec right?