Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

Kaivax you forgot:

  • Paladin
    • Protection, Retribution
      • Word of Glory healing increased by 20%

:crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue:

You got that right, these buffs have come way late.

Bliz please consider doing more for Havoc, 3% is not even close and we die the second someone looks at us in PVP.

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Still waiting for an “at this time, we’ve decided blood dks are not worthy of being tanks and just made a new “unusable” tier for them so they don’t block groups from better tanks. Thank you”

Next blue post… we’ve also decided to give mistweavers a 5% damage buff


yeah, they should. tired of seeing trillions of shadow priests running around with their fart clouds up who are more than likely not actually priest players and just playing them because they’re sheep incapable of playing what they enjoy over what is currently meta.

By far the worst balanced expansion to date and you’re tossing out 3% and 5% buffs. The gap between top classes and bottom classes are nearly 50% at this point.


Maybe if Wowhead starts putting out weekly Tank/Healer rankings analyses, Blizzard will respond with a round of adjustments. But DPS gets weekly reviews, so Blizzard decided to act on those.

Lol… Duder… No one cares about a situation buff over a massive DPS increase. Please post more so I can more laughable content.

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On the topic of buffing assassination, could it be that one of the problems with the spec is the low value of its mastery stat? Perhaps y’all could buff the spec and the stat at the same time, since mastery is different for every spec.


If a raid isn’t taking at least one DH for the flat 5% magic damage buff to all the other members, then the raid organizer puts too much stock in raw DPS meters.

See below:

I’m not really trying to argue against the idea that Demon Hunters need buffed, but I strongly disagree with the sentiment that Demon Hunters can’t get invited to groups when they literally have a buff no other class has and is extremely vital to some parts of Nathria.

Pugs are an irrelevant point to bring up because they will always choose the best class for the spot anyways. I don’t really know what your point is other than to use pugging as some sort of leverage for why Demon Hunters are in a rough spot.

I bet you think you’re real clever.

In retrospect I assume we’ll get separate posts for tanks and healers.

Why are posts like this never targeted towards Blizzard’s favorite classes? I’d love for one tier or expansion to just spit in the face of every mage by saying “hurrr deeee durrr we can bring one of you apes for arcane intellect”


Sweats in pvp.


Unfortunately, you’re bringing in a Havoc DH for utility which I assume is mainly the 5% magic buff that can be replaced by a Veng DH. We’re not looking to be top dps, that was, at least not my argument, we’re looking to be brought in for more than just 5% magic buff meme. It’s ridiculous to parse at 80% and have an Aff warlock parse at 60% and do about the same or more dps. It’s deflating to parse at 80% and see a Boomkin parse at 80% and the dps is 500+dps difference. If I did 3k dps on Shriekwing and a Boomkin did 3.5k dps, and I took out 5% for the magic buff, the Boomkin would still outdps me. They can offheal, brez, innervate (I believe). I can throw in darkness once every 3 min… “Well DH have great survivability” - we’re a melee class. Ranged naturally have better survivability in most raid and M+ mechanics than us.

Again, not trying to be top DPS, but don’t want to also be a class where groups think and act “Oh we already have one DH for 5% magic buff, let’s go with a 2nd or 3rd mage, lock or druid”


I mean, you could 100% say this for frost mages, I suppose.

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Where is the tuning for Healers and Tanks? You cant look at Tank representation in M+ and think that’s ok? Or the imbalance in pve for mana costs for Holy Priests and Mistweaver verses everyone else?

Also why is disc doing the most healing every minute, the most dps and have valuable absorbs in raid while Holy Priest, Mistweaver and Resto Druid bring nothing?


The lack of news and so little communication they are having is like its worst than it was on Christmas. They are probably saving every bit of news and changes to BlizzConline but thats at the end of next month so its gonna be a while for at least decent positives changes regarding classes and most likely a currency system for the loot problem and even if they announced such things on the event they might not be going live for at least until May.

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You know what - I’ll take it. Thank you.