Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

Im talking about dps. Some people don’t want to switch to tanking because it’s the only viable spec for the class… Warrior damage is only decent in execute. That means most of the fight you’re doing terrible damage. I outdpsed a 220 mythic geared warrior significantly as a 205 marksman hunter. That shouldnt happen.

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Congrats Warlocks.

The response was that Demon Hunters don’t have a usable PvE spec. Regardless of whether or not it’s a tank spec is irrelevant when the question is if they have a usable PvE spec.

They do.

These slight buffs to all of these specs are so generic and little that they will not matter, this will still keep us all at the same bottom of the barrel and will not help much to the players that feel sidelined not being able to do meaningful PVP, Rated, raids because our DPS, survivability with Havoc is way too low. I am sure the people that get 5% buffs are not getting to excited knowing they get an EXTRA 50 DAMAGE per 1000 = 1050, 3% = 30 damage per 1000 = 1030, OH BOY!!! I can HARDLY WAIT!!!.. Please Bliz this has to be better our time and money is burning up while we are sidelined unable to play our specs you guys ruined


What kind of argument is this? The meta for M+ is a tank spec not a DPS spec (and that’s because of movement not because of mitigation which is a problem for tanking in general), plus we’re talking about DPS not what’s meta or what people prefer to bring to raids or M+. If you play dps and wanted to do more damage, switching to a tank spec is not even a viable option. This discussion is around dps and damage. You have other dps options, DH don’t. Warrs have 2 dps specs and both of them are low on the charts. Warlocks have a spec that’s in the middle of the pack and in top 3.


Amazing the rogues being a pure dps with 3 dps specs don’t have a single spec in the A tier.


Well then that DH used their words wrong. But this entire topic is about DPS changes, so you can forgive when someone says DH PVE isn’t up to par they’re likely talking about Havoc, not Vengeance.


If they are underperforming, don’t you think something like 6-10% might be a good start?


A scalpel instead of a chainsaw, nice! Glad to see Blizzard is finally able to do small buffs instead of making a spec super op. Now, only if they could do the same with nerfs.


How can you look at all the data and be like, Arcane mages yep they’re fine.


How about reducing pet rez from 4 secs to 2 secs? When my tank dies and I put pet on taunt, it doesn’t take but a hot 10 secs for it to die. 1001…1002…1003…oops. I agree a flat 5% buff is just giving us back what they took in the first place. Slap on a % and be done with it, eh.

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It doesn’t seem to be working. The bad classes/specs are still bad 2 months later. A whole season gone.


Where are the healer changes? In what world is it acceptable for 3 of the 6 healing specs to each represent less than 3% of the Mythic raiding participation, (while the other 3 specs are 30%+), and while also being worse than the 3 top raiding specs in M+ as well. When are we going to start seeing some equity and balance?


“run what you brung”…

Kalvax: “The forum’s getting super restless.”
Ion: “Uh… Just make up some numbers and sh**. Nothing higher than 5%. We’ll honor it.”



The response was that Demon Hunters didn’t have a usable PvE spec. That’s wrong.

If we’re talking DPS, Havoc Demon Hunters still have incredibly useful raid utility currently, so even if you’re underperforming on the charts, you can still feasibly complete PvE content.

You don’t always need to be at the top in order to be viable DPS.

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“uh just give destro a 5% buff too I guess xD”

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Useable PVE spec? Ask most of the Havocs that dont get invited to raids or Rated PVP because our DPS and survivability sucks so bad. Maybe doing world quests Solo,yes we can do that, but the word is out HAVOC is not invited to anything serious unless its a friend or guild carrying them


“Don’t even talk about healers right now. Especially that greenish-blue one, whatever it is.”


Go ahead and try playing a havoc demon hunter. See how many pugs you get invited to. It’s zero. The only way to play one is to get carried by a guild.