Working as intended.
It’s a start, but this is the laziest attempt at balancing I havd ever seen. Also nothing for destro and demo warlock.
WTF, is this for real? Not a single thing for the bottom feeder Locks, especially Demo? Unreal.
Make the Lord/Lady of War title account wide. Please and thank you.
Atleast warlocks have a usable pve spec unlike warriors and demon hunters…
If you take the sun kings salvation fight out of the logs mw drops to the bottom. That one single target fight is what’s boosting them because of viviy spam during soothing mist. It’s a gimmick fight.
I thought Destro was the bottom feeder lock spec? Demo is middle of the pack according to the latest weekly charts.
But yea, with Affliction #2 steadily week after week, I don’t think Blizzard is going to do much for the others.
The spec gets a minor buff, but so does every spec close to it at the bottom. So, essentially they’ll do a little more damage, but still be at the absolute bottom in every aspect of the game. It also doesn’t address the vast majority of the spec’s current concerns. As several people said above - lazy.
I hear ya, I have a lock and Havoc DH Both are shelved right now, I haven’t played much because of Bliz not fixing our toons they screwed up. I wish they would do something serious for all the classes they hammed up
Demon Hunters are the current meta for M+, and Venthyr warriors have some of the best burst damage for Nathria with Condemn.
it feels like a friday afternoon before the weekend job
“oh snap we need to do some class balance”
“just give a flat 5% across the board to most specs, and toss a couple 3’s in there so it doesnt look like we’re completely clocked out already”
rogues suck because covenant abilities are awful.
Really? Warlock is left to Rot again…these tunings are soooo lazy…a aura buff to every class…damn people’s money is going to good use over at the Blizz HQ eh.
Edit: please afflictions dots need more power, they are a joke at the moment especially in PvP…our dots need a decent 10% buff in pve and 20% in PvP
Yet MW (and RDruids - which have the exact same issue) only represent 2-3% of the Mythic raiding population past the first few bosses. HPS isn’t particularly relevant as a statistic for determining healer strength/viability and hasn’t been for some time.
Disc/HPally/RShaman are eating up 90%+ of the Mythic raid spots (on top of being the 3 best M+ healers) not because of their HPS, but because of the strength of their overall toolkit, including unique utility, things like raid wide DR CDs that don’t show up on that throughput, and significant damage contribution. MW/RDruid aren’t really garbage because of throughput - they do about the same throughput as everyone, they are garbage because they don’t have a competitive toolkit as a spec. To fix it, they either need to make the specs with bad toolkits do way more HPS than the 3 meta specs, or they need to address the toolkit/utility imbalance.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is it?!
The current issue with meta right now is mostly stemming from flat damage, and it’s better to even out the playing field before tweaking more intricate designs that may potentially make things worse.
We’ve decided to additionally change:
- Destruction
- All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Destruction
And this is now added to the OP here.
You realize these are DPS changes, so the DHs questioning this are concerned about Havoc, not Vengeance. And not all players like to tank either. Nobody is questioning the validity of Vengeance right now. But DHs only have 1 DPS spec unlike most other classes, and the single DPS spec still feels lackluster in ways that an aura buff won’t solve.
all specs and classes should receive buffs, more power!!
I think if they keep making changes like these weekly/bi-weekly we will reach a closer state of class balance than if they did huge nerfs/buffs all at once.