Class tuning posted



Frost nerfs and sunfury nerfs like I expected for mage.

Those enhance changes look fun.

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The roar nerf hits arms which is unfortunate, but 15% nerf still has it better than spear, odyns fury was mostly a bg talent that you honestly didn’t need to take. So overall no change too fury. Frost ice lances it’s a decent nerf but they will still be strong. The big nerfs for me are the feral nerfs and the the lack of DK changes. Lack of healer changes is also sad, amongst dps there are many strong choices atm, but healers it’s very cut and dry, was hoping to see some hpriest,mw,hpal changes/buffs.

Pres evoker going untouched is definitely a choice. Casted MW getting any nerfs at all is definitely a choice. Env mist being undispelable now is nice, but also gives casted MW a dead talent in Dome of Mist (tbf it was awful and a dead talent anyway, but now it actually has 0 application).

It is clear they have no idea what to do with casted mw. Avoid this spec at all costs.


I read

And my brain went on strike with confusion before the following words compiled.


These devs smoking that good shi

Nerfing feral but leaving rogue untouched is another classic


The only thing in here that seems off brand is them not buffing fire mage to the tippy top. Maybe with the other two specs being top notch they’re just calling it a day.

That’s it?

yeah seems really light for first tunings but i guess season isn’t even out yet.

i wish they’d just open up unrated stuff again

No UHDK, Pres, or Disc nerfs is wild


Played a ton of beta, UHDK is good once fully geared but not as oppressive as it is right now. I think holding off on nerfs was fine. Seems like they won’t scale particularly well with gear. They probably need a nerf to festering wounds though, right now 1 wound is proccing as 4 whenever bursted.

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what dk changes woukd u have liked to seen?

from what ive seen uh dk looks like a turbo rot spec with negative burst dmg

and frost dk seems balanced after they removed that 2 set bug

Season 1 Dragonflight nerfing feral because we saw it in the AWC but then letting death mark rogue kill you through everything but bubble/block for months because reasons. It’s pretty par for the course lol.


this is from doomburst and the new sudeden doom stacking (2+1) and popping 3 wounds

65% PoM increase is pbig buff for oracle.

I still think roar isn’t as good as spear for col as well but a lot of people will disagree with me. Roar feels clunky with col to me personally.

Spear should be brought down to 1 min or have it’s cd reduced by anger management for arms imo.

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I’m really REALLY hoping this isn’t the end of tuning. Wow. I know they annonced that there will be more tuning before/after heroic week, but this is… wow.


take this down for me brotha


I wonder if stromstrike spam slaps again.

Annoying this isn’t offset in PvP. Just further forcing Frost DK into trying delete someone in their pillar go and be worthless outside of it.

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enh also got a flat 6% nerf. Those buffs arent as big as they look XD

Let us have this hope for the weekend.