Class Tuning Incoming with Embers of Neltharion Patch

why keep nerfing Demo when Demo isn’t top dps? Are we going back to “We rather you don’t play Demo” BS again?

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Your threats are not welcome here.

Can you provide any insight, any at all, into why Fury and Arms Warriors have received as of April 28, 9:34pm, a mere 4% damage buff to all abilities, and 12% to auto attack damage for Arms, when every other class has received sweeping buffs going into 10.1 via the PTR?

Have you guys cranked scaling to 11 for warriors where 1 ilvl will be equal to 9 or 10 for all other classes, there for meaning no adjustments will be needed as we’ll simply gearing up will give us all the dps we need?

Or, is it more that the Dev team is simply going to sit on their hands until Warriors fall behind to such an extreme level that they’re forced to act?

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How Blizzard decides class balance:


Dont care if they wanna buff ST tone some of the aoe down.

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Trying to cull the last few people playing Survival so they can just delete the spec like they have wanted since the failed melee redesign in Legion.

ya whoever thinks hunters need a buff is incompetent. BM hunters top our damage meters. even above our ret pallies, and our ret pallies are pretty good. the top of our damage meters are pink and green.


I’m convinced you guys just don’t want people playing Survival so you can re-work it completely in 11.0 so you can say “Well, no one played it anyway.”

Even though a lot of people love survival, but you just keep making it so bad it’s unviable.



They literally nerfed BM hunters by 3% while BM was in the bottom half of DPS specs on every single metric you can find. M+, Raid logs, everything.

It was the most random and confusing nerf they’ve Ever done in this game.

I don’t even play BM, and never have, and can easily say it was the most unwarranted nerf they’ve ever done in this game.

Hunters have a right to complain - the devs seem to have no idea what the hell they’re doing with the class.

One of the most requested features is to let us re-spec our pets to give us a choice in what pet we use (and increase player choice and increase individuality) and they refuse to bring that back, saying it would reduce individuality (Which is the opposite of what it would do). Instead, they’d rather leave 33% of our pet options as unviable in every facet of the game, another 33% as useless in PvE, and another 33% in PvP.

They continue to push Pets as a “main part of hunter identity” - but don’t give marksman a viable way to spec into having pets as part of their identity, tuning Lone Wolf as being the only viable option, but on the other hand, saying the same thing about Warlocks, that pets are a “Main part of Warlock Identity” and tuning Grimoire of Sacrifice so bad that it’s a dps loss to choose. (then going on record that it’s intentional because warlocks are supposed to use pets) (Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy not having a pet at times, but having the option to use a pet would be nice, but it’s such a big dps loss to have a pet out that it’s not worth it.)

The hunter devs are horrible. Yes, they may communicate more than the other class devs during beta, but they clearly have no idea what they’re doing when it comes to actually listening to the playerbase.


Why are you complaining? Just get 431 bow. Get 6 pi’s. Give up all aoe dmg to focus on ST and you can kind of compete with specs that don’t get pi or have to give up aoe dmg to do st.

Ignore that 4 piece will be worse than double 2 piece for most of next tier.



This is true and why BM hunter needs at least 75% total dps reduction to even be fair.

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lol a blue posting by showing they have no idea…

gw on the fail post. I see a lot of things are being ignored … AGAIN…


It’s comments like these that show a player got wrecked by a BM hunter, and doesn’t know how to beat one.


Maybe you should pay attention to the PTR, not Live when you’re trying to prove someone wrong when they’re talking about the PTR.

Survival is losing their season 1 set bonus essentially because it’s so strong, they were going to keep using it in season 2.

It’s going from:


It’s SIGNIFICANTLY nerfing It. Like, it’s going from a 17% ST dps gain to like a 2-3% dps gain, last time I looked at the numbers that were posted.

So yes, Survival needs a buff. The fact you’re using Live Numbers, and think that it’s the same as the PTR is hilarious to me.

The season 2 set bonus is not the strongest, (wowhead’s guide writer put it at a 7-8% ST DPS gain, last I checked, which is not very strong for a tier bonus, when our season 1 is 17%.


If it means the return of ranged Survival then I say let Blizzard at it.

Laughs in Black Arrow


That’s never returning entirely because of the artifact, get over it. Lol.

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Calm down. Take a break from the forums, they don’t need to be your entire identity.

Finally an utility buf, now we are more desirable in M+

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Good start. How about giving cleave or more AoE so we can actually M+ properly?


Blizz please nerf survival and bm