Class Tuning Incoming with Embers of Neltharion Patch

False. It is the least played spec/class combo by all measurable aspects the players have access to.

Now there is a small population of passionate people who do enjoy and like the spec. I was one of them. I played survival as my main at the start of BfA and got AoTC in two raids that tier as survival. (Heroic is where I like to raid. Not so much on Mythic)

But this current version of survival, needs a re-work. I would love the old ranged Survival back. But I would settle for a fun and thought out melee spec. For me at least the spec just feels like they had 4 different people develop the spec independently, with no collaboration. Then they took all of those ideas, to a fifth person and said use 1/4 of each of these ideas to make a spec. And dont change them to work together.


K… You do this but ignored all the class feedback on the Feedback threats YOUR teams started…

Surv hunter wildfire bombs making a comeback!?!?

After running the numbers of the nerf, in bis gear, this brings SV from 140k in ST, to 134k. While this does put MM in the driver’s seat for “best hunter spec” the current MM profile also has you playing a very RNG heavy version of the spec being as low as 107k and as high as 178k which is absolutely MASSIVE gap. All the meanwhile, BM is currently down in the slums doing 121k in ST in BiS gear. Meanwhile Devastation, Unholy DK and Demonology Warlock are Fine chilling above 150k ST? Why the focus on blasting Survival specifically? There are more obvious over performers than Survival. I understand a nerf was needed. But to be some heavy handed with this, especially when other specs in the class need help. Is aggressive, and my understanding was this style of tuning was something Blizzard had decided to move away from, rather than towards.


So, honest question here because I legitimately don’t know. Is your rage gen in arms not generated from AAs? Is it static or will this result in more rage?

Now I very, VERY rarely ever voice my opinion on any forums about class balancing and try to my best to be understanding of the difficulties of keeping every class/spec/player happy but this change is wholly uncalled for, just let us be slightly better than mediocre for once PLEASE, I’m not asking to be top 1, 3 or 5, I just don’t want to be declined from PUG 15-20’s based on playing the spec I enjoy most.

You’re not wrong.

But it’s more accurate to say: AAs, among OTHER THINGS, generate Rage. Arms has “builders” and “spenders.” It’s not like Auto-Attack is the only thing that generates Rage.

So your point is subtle.

Because while it DOES generate Rage, and so 12% more AA damage is 12% more Rage… AGAIN … it’s 12% OF a percent.

So it’s not a “twelve percent gain.” It’s twelve percent OF FOUR percent. The end result is only a HALF a percent gain (barely that).

Of something that’s already just a fractional part of your overall “Rage builders.”

Are you willing to accept this probably isn’t even worth mentioning?

Like, let’s say it amounts to 30 more Rage every 5mins. That’s ONE Mortal Strike. And, again… you’re not wrong… there are like 18 people who that would ACTUALLY make a difference to. The reality is… it’s not enough to matter.

Also keep in mind, even with “30 more Rage”, you are likely then limited by the GCD, not Rage. Even if you had 30 more Rage, you probably couldn’t fit in another MS anyway.

But I haven’t done real math/iterations on this. I could be wrong. But the first look at it… doesn’t seem like I’m wrong.

Arms needs Lust, Brez, etc. Not 0.05% more Rage.

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This doesn’t address the situation that WW is currently in given that most of Abberus is single target. Here are some previous WW buffs that have been done and their effects on ST damage or lack thereof until the final example, so hopefully there is more to come next week. Hopefully this will shed some light for the devs to give us a bit more love before the majority of us need to main swap if we want to fully “enjoy” Abberus.

After Buff Rankings
Bottom 3 overall
Bottom 3 pure ST (Shadhar)

Damage of all abilities increased by 5%.

  • Rising Sun Kick damage increased by 25%.
  • Blackout Kick damage increased by 10%.
    • Developers’ note: These changes are intended to help Windwalkers perform better in single-target fights.

9.2 - (April, after patch launch and most guilds a good bit through raid content)
After Buff Rankings
Bottom 6 overall
Bottom 5 pure ST(Halondrus)

  • Rising Sun Kick damage increased by 10%.
    • This change does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Blackout Kick damage increased by 10%.
  • Tiger Palm damage increased by 10%.
  • Fist of the White Tiger damage increased by 10%.
  • Developer note: While Windwalker Monks shine in multitarget situations, we’re seeing their performance fall behind in single target scenarios, even after acquiring endgame gear. As a result, we’re targeting specific abilities with the goal of improving their single target output.

9.2.5 (WELL after most guilds had fully cleared content)
After Buff Rankings
Overall top 6
Middle Pack pure ST(Halondrus)

  • Rising Sun Kick damage Increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
  • Fists of Fury damage to primary target increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
  • Blackout Kick damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
  • Tiger Palm damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
  • Fist of the White Tiger damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Developers’ notes: As a part of our ongoing balance efforts, we’re taking a more aggressive approach towards improving Windwalker Monks’ single-target damage, so that their performance is more competitive in raid situations where their unique strengths may not come to the forefront.

So in short. WW is historically left out to dry in similar situations when going into a patch lacking damage. MASSIVE HOPIUM but hopefully shedding some light here will help us get these sorts of “aggressive” 9.2.5 buffs earlier so that WW can actually be brought to Abberus as more than an alt or token monk buff before 10.1.5 rolls around. Counting on you devs!


Sounds like BM hunter treatment too.

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Consider retuning secondary stats on ret paladin. Bump Mastery a bit please to not let ret fall into ww monk scalling teritory:) Sorry windwalkers :smiley:

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I already don’t want to play this shaman anymore for season 2 because it’s such a boring spec. Did H Raz last night, 175 casts of Lava Burst. 1 spell over and over isn’t fun or engaging game play. Now you nerf the tier sets before it even goes live. Yeah bye bye Elemental Shaman, you aren’t fun or high #'s

VDH and Guardians literally have nothing going for them.

Blood DK does everything VDH does except far far better, just without mobility.

Guardian Druids continue to give healers heart attacks around the globe.

Brewmaster atleast niches as the highest DPS tank even though they’re squishy.


Someone on the blizzard balance team casually PvP’s as a Ret, it’s literally the only explanation that this issue has gone on this long.

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Silly Blizz.
They forgot the buff for bears…again…


Neither are your ignorant opinons


such a straw man.

who’s gonna tell him?

Delay the update.

No need to read already know warriors and hunters will get nerfs and rogues will be buffed again.

i asked myself that same question the moment they changed it from glorious, blissful ranged poison dot sustained master to the current mess that it has been ever since in the form of meme i mean melee survival.