-Shadow is overhauled
-Shadow overperforms
-Blizzard overcorrects, guts the spec
-Shadow is a string-held spec in desperate need of a rework (You are currently here)
-Cycle begins anew
-Shadow is overhauled
-Shadow overperforms
-Blizzard overcorrects, guts the spec
-Shadow is a string-held spec in desperate need of a rework (You are currently here)
-Cycle begins anew
Lol, no. The Demo bonuses are quite nice.
Huh? BM is #3 on WCL for both H & M raid, and above average in M+. Not to mention their pet dmg will now scale with weapon item level, so those numbers will only go up as the season progresses.
Blizz devs forgot that’s even a spec
I would not consider their current rankings to be “great shape” personally, but then I’m not able to play at the level you’re at, nor have had the clear luck in gearing you have:
My current experience is that I’m outdps’d pretty routinely by classes that can do burst damage in M+ and it’s rather demoralizing. Havoc and Ret particularly have cooldowns that line up MUCH better with trash packs. Maybe once I get 4 piece and some better gear it’ll help, but right now, it feels terrible.
Thank you.
Demo set is nice. S2 tier was nice, too. Not saying Demo’s set is bad, saying it’s not as powerful as last season’s tier, based on the sim data.
Replace DOT with . since I can’t share link.
shut up
Alot of the power the over performing classes have is coming from tier sets. That and this is the last tier so the more likely choice would be to buff classes up at this stage not nerf classes down. Power creep is irrelevant when once you obtain max gear thats it for this expansion and we reset
ya wrong stop being ignorant. overperformers aka bm hunter, assassination rogue, and dh need to be nerfed.
then you can buff everything below demo to its level.
want a pvp example? imagine you keep buffing everyones damage to the point it does more than a player’s current health pool can sustain. its not feasible or smart.
yes when spriest was overpowered, i advocated for nerfs because im not some idiot that takes them so seriously. balance matters more than the “pain” of a nerf. so long as the tuning is reasonable, do not fear nerfs
Look I would love to see everyone buffed to the top level but it wont happen. You realize you would have to give WW something like a 35% damage buff to literally every ability for that to happen? Destro would need 45%…
Ret, war, feral, elle, sub, outlaw would all need around a 25% damage buff to every ability? The average buff for all other classes would probably be 20% or so across the spell book. Probably an average 10%-15% across the board to catch DH instead of assass.
Blizzard isn’t going to be buffing every spec by an average of 10-20%. Bosses would just fall over.
By that logic there not going to nerf the crap out of top classes then none of the bosses would die unless they nerfed there health by 50%
No thanks. I’d rather they didn’t delete the one and only class I actually enjoy just bc one spec has been sorely neglected.
Wtf are you even talking about? MW is no where near needing to be nerfed.
Gets 2 6% aura buffs, claims theyre being ignored.
More importantly, the developers would have egg all over their faces for admitting that they screwed up so badly.
You don’t know blizzard at all.
Classes shouldn’t have to be performing poorly early on just because power creep will come later. It’s easy to aura nerf later.
They have 19 years of precedent of poor class balance.
I don’t think egg on face or anything else applies to WoW.
That said 95% of the content in this game can be done with any spec, even with the imbalances.
Outliers need to be reigned in, that means top and bottom. Buffing every one is just not going to happen, and it SHOULDN’T happen.
These folks calling for other classes to be brought up to dh/assa rogue/whatever just means the game is miserable because nothing would be a challenge unless they blanket buffed hp for every encounter.
…And that’s not even taking into consideration pvp (I know, I know, most people don’t care about it any more these days). As it stands; pvp is peaks and valleys for HP pools, as damage is already so high from some classes, and their uptime is damn near 100% vs so many things, healing would be impossible (Well, unless you’re a druid these days it seems) as everything would just flop even harder than it does currently.
These tiny ‘buffs and nerfs’ for obvious egregious design decisions, or ‘reworks’ that fall flat and leave classes in such terrible states, are just turning people off from playing what they want to main, and forcing rerolls to meta classes.
Can we have class designs that align across all classes, as far as end goals are considered, and not just look at them in vacuums? Can we have fights that are made for the classes that they designed? Can we have utility abilities that are useful and tuned so that they aren’t game breaking, but not useless?
Last but not least, can we have changes that make sense to the game, rather than changes based on one aspect of the game? Now that raid world first is done for this tier, can we see some real balance and not whatever this is?
Oh, and do something about pvp for once in your careers, I understand many people working at blizzard don’t remember when the game had multiple international tournies for pvp, but many of us that have been here since the beginning remember those days that wow pvp was an ‘esport’ that stood with the likes of other big ‘esports’ of the years. Would be nice to have some form of seriousness when it comes to balancing that aspect of the game that seems to have been all but forgotten other than RSS and blitz, which are messes of their own making as well.
You nurf one spec even by 20% your overall raid damage may decrease by 40-100K depending on how many you take. 2-3 players losing 30-40k. If you buff everyone else 40Kish on average which is roughly what it would take to match assass Your raid DPS could go up by 400-600K depending on raid size.
See the difference? nurf drops raid DPS by 100k buffing everyone else you gain 400-600K.
100K dps gone = 6 million boss HP difference per minute
600K dps increase = 36 million boss HP difference per minute
5 minute encounter = 30 mill nurf diff
5 minute encounter = 180 mill buff diff
This is roughly 2% of mythic Fyrakk vs 12% of mythic Fyrakk in 5 minutes. A buff to everyone else to match the top DPS would have the same effect a reducing all boss HP by 15-20% or so. <—wont happen.
Like I said a few months ago when the latest round of spriest nerfs went out.
In S3 you will carry my spriest and like it!!
Sorry, nothing I can do about it.
I’m just a player.
I don’t get to make the rules.
S2 encounter designers built around the spriest toolkit.
Making them look better than what they really were.
This was brought up time and time again.
…and here we are.