what no BM hunter nerf?!
what no BM hunter nerf?!
meatrider lul
solid comedy attempt blizzard, got me clean
so mind retyping that part about shadow or…?
incorrect. naughty.
Brewmasters in 5th place (out of 6) for 20+ keys.
Tied with Warriors for last in 25+ keys.
There are more than ten times as many Vengeance tanks doing 25+ keys as Monk or Warrior tanks.
Tell me again about “super strong”.
They heard us loud and clear, and nerfed the tier set a ton to fix the bad design /s
Holy priest could have used some love for m+
They took that feedback to heart, and it took them a lot of effort, but they managed to take it and throw it all into the garbage.
Meanwhile, no changes to the existing overpowered class @ havoc demon hunter / beast mastery hunter.
its super obvious how good those two classes are with minimal effort needed to play.
Yo bros, Thanksgiving is over. The tuning team should be back by now to do their jobs.
Sorry, I was looking at the highest keys completed so far this season and a brew has the second and 5th highest runs in the world.
Hey! It does take some effort.
Pressing those three buttons is hard.
Apparently not, is this a joke?
WW buffs where?
Major kekw
Now this is hilarious, Havoc is miles and miles ahead of everyone else yet you say you’re monitoring in-game class performance and player feedback? I don’t think I can laugh any harder my ribs are hurting.
“Buffed” both specs need full reworks, not a measily 6% buff. The specs are flawed fundamentally
BM’s need some buffs so bad and blizzard ignored them again… Very disappointing and underwhelming hotfixes.
Take your ticket to the Reworks Copiums List
Aug actually has garbage damage and honestly needs a buff at this point.
I’ve been saying this since SL. They’ve done a horrific job at class balance and tuning. At the start of DF there was weekly tuning but it seems as if they’ve all given up on the game to work on the new expansions.
In any other job field, if you continually do a bad job at work you’ll eventually get fired. Not at blizzard tho, too busy cube crawling.
Roughly an equal number of all classes would have 2 piece. So we are talking about the difference between have 2 set and 4 set?
In heroic you see Assass Rogues doing 214K and DH doing 193K where mid DPS is around 173K. Unless the top class gains nothing from going to 2 set -->4 set and everyone else gains 20% from going from 2 set to 4 set then balancing needs to happen. Does any class gain that much? I know paladin is around 4% 2 to 4 set. Hell the entire 4 set is worth 7% with 2 set being 3% and 4 set adding another 4%.
If the top classes gain even 2-3% from attaining 4 set over having just 2 set, 2 to 4 sets gains would have to be 25%+ for everyone else to catch assass.
It’s clear balancing needs to happen regardless of the set bonuses. If you wanted to get everyone close, Assass needs about a 20% nurf to damage output. The next 4 top classes need roughly a 8-10% nurf and the bottom 5-6 specs need a 5-12% buff depending on which spec your talking about. This would put everyone with a few % in terms of damage.
The fun way would be to just buff everyone to assass levels but that would trivialize the content. Could buff everyone to DH level of damage and nurf assass by about 10%. Then again if everyone was essentially a DH it would also trivialize the content.