Class Tuning Incoming - November 28

10% seems kinda high…

You do realize that burst classes that do 100K DPS over a fight might hover around 90K then do 120K with burst for 15-20 seconds putting their average near 100K. 10% (110K) would be Avenging wrath damage full time minus like 9%.

I’d trade 22% boost in sustain for 9% off peak damage potential for 20 seconds. I mean 91% of wings damage full time granting a 10% overall buff. If lock sustain is almost as good a Ret burst… Problem.

Numbers are rough, used for a basic example to show how much a 10% would mean in effect. Avenging wrath boost measured in % has variables like how much crit you have for example.

Isn’t a better way to fix lock just to do something about ramp time and give them a smidge more burst on a CD? Instead of what we have now (not exclusive to lock), where a class is either dog water or god tier.

Justifying higher and higher DPS for one reason or another leads to class imbalance. Look, classes that don’t have raid buffs could easily make the case they should do 30-40% more damage than the next spec.

If I don’t have battle shout (5% to every atk power user) I need to do… oh… lets say 5K dps each for 10 players. I need to do do 50K DPS more than a warrior to make up for it, in todays world around maybe 75K more. Insert ret aura, mark of the wild, arcane intellect etc. Don’t have a raid buff? 250K dps average DPS over a heroic clear cause no raid buff everyone else that has one 175K DPS.

The argument has merit, and would destroy balance. I’m not saying affliction doesn’t have problems. But just giving them more damage than everyone else is a poor solution. Instead of living with the downsides and asking to be 10% higher cause ramp and little burst damage, why not get rid of/mitigate the downsides and maintain balance?

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Dim Rift and Aff’s spendy flawed tree are straight bad. Destro’s tier needs a reroll

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I’ve never been so upset with Affliction and Destruction ever in my years of playing.

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I made a post for the warlocks out there, this fix is a slap in the face


6% healing… LOL, that’s not even the problem. Every other class outheals us plus has mitigation and ways to sustain their team while CC’d.


Because class kit reworks tend to fall entirely within the purview of expansion alphas and betas, otherwise they very rarely happen, whereas numbers balancing happens multiple times through an xpac.

Would I like all classes to have comparable toolkits for all situations? Sure. Unfortunately, class reworks are a tall ask.

The last time developers made a serious commitment to spec reworks and fleshing out toolkits was Legion, and we’re never getting Legion levels of efforts, gameplay, and rewards in case you haven’t seen their modus operandi these subsequent xpacs.

Legion was an anomaly, with its spec specific new artifact talents, new artifact ability, keystone actives and passives, 5 artifact skins per spec with 5 separate tints, new druid forms (no, Emerald Dream is not comparable, they recycled beast models for the map and gave it to druids, moonkin is the closest to Legion standards), class specific mounts with spec specific tints, class order halls with 3 separate spec campaigns, Mage Tower challenges for several specs, the world quest scenarios and intricate Legion invasion chains which dwarf the simplistic BFA/SL/DF chains. Blizzard never wants to do this amount of innovative work again.

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Buff unholy/ww/dev

Leave Havoc alone, we’ve been to the bottom or mid for whole expansions while the same broken classes had the spotlight for several expansions in a row.
Yes, it’s not funny to have an underperforming class or spec for once, but at least, let those who are not used to it shine at least a whole season before the next expansion.

Hearing classes that could have their 2k5 RIO in a week in previous season complaining that now, other classes can do the same shouldn’t be a call for a nerf to some classes.

Ask for underperforming classes buff, instead of calling for nerfs. Thank you.

Can you look at the parse for the previous season? It’ll show you something I guess, and you will begin to understand :stuck_out_tongue: ( Oh and BTW, DH without their damage has absolutely NOTHING to challenge other class kit. With equal DPS, DH won’t be taken into a group because other classes can do the same as them, and even do better. )

Honestly this BLATANT disrespect to shadow is actually insane. I hope to god this lack of change means you’re actually working in something bigger for them because 5% NOT APPLIED TO PVP and nothing else has got to be the most harsh slap to the face I’ve witnessed in a very long time. This is either out touch or completely oblivious.


Maybe Blizzard should address the classes that need work, instead of re-doing the same specs over and over and over again like they do.

We’ve been getting Expansion-level reworks for specs throughout this expansion which is nutty in the grand scheme of things.

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Thank you for the buff.

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Then you should not waste your time doing it because YOU SHOULD KNOW your going to get NERFED. BM Hunter, Rouge, and DH WILL BE getting slapped very soon that is a fact!


Im so happy with where demo is ATM. We aren’t Op but we’re pumping great numbers especially on cleave. Let the rogues and demon hunters whine about it.

Well, its a start. 6% on affliction when its about 10-15% behind the next lowest performer. Maybe in 2-3 months it’ll be playable again.

nobody cares about m+, chill tf down


Someone high up really really loves DH and refuses to touch them.

since my warrior will never see that leggo, I guess I sadly have to cringe reroll a DH.



There will be more balance tuning.

People need to chill out.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: