Class Tuning Incoming November 1

MM and hunters been OP all of SL. Aim shot 1 shotting ppl will hopefully stop.

Actually need more hunter nerfs. Also Lock is still gross they need to take 50% more damage since they are tanks.

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I really want to believe that DF will be different, but implementing class tuning during a prepatch with broken systems is very disheartening towards the future of this franchise. Then again, I feel like we’re in an abusive relationship with Blizzard. “But momma, he tells me he loves me…”

  • Reduced Damage of Aimed Shot by 15%.
    Lowest DPS in the game right now and gets a nerf. Warlock is basically the highest and gets buffed. Blizzard is so out of touch with class tuning its absurd.

too heavy handed for ww. wish blizzard could find better balance options then nerfing something to last place.


Cool. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool. WW was fun for… one week? New record?


you would be best turning off legendary and conduits before nerfing stuff lol


You’re so incredibly stupid.
MM hunters only have a quick burst in PvP which is very easily counterable if you have half a brain. Also not to mention how incredibly squishy they are as a class with little to no sustain.

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Enhancement was strong, and I think almost everyone was expecting a nerf. That said, this seems very extreme.

There aren’t any beta statistics to work with, but from what I’ve been able to find, I’ve seen Enhancement shamans doing up to 90-95k overall dungeon dps in m+ testing (which is similar to other “strong” m+ melee like monk, rogue, feral, demon hunter, death knight - none of which are being nerfed by nearly as much (or in some cases at all)). By comparison, I’ve seen “weak” specs like Elemental do up to ~75k or so.

With these changes, Enhancement goes from ~20-25% ahead of Elemental in dungeons to ~15-22% behind. Why is such a massive swing in relative performance needed? Why not aim to bring both closer to the median?


I don’t PvP, but then make it a PvP combat damage reduction.
From what I’ve heard MM is terrible in PvP too ATM (I may be wrong).

But in PvE, the game mode I actually care about, MM was bottom of the pack before the nerf and is now the bottom spec.


Really are not and super strong. Have been disgusting all expansion.

I mean MM been 1 shotting Rank 1 players at high MMR so this is not factually true. The damage is way overtuned then combined with Blessings it’s just lame killing people in the opener. A lot of times even prepared Rank 1 players can’t stop it.

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Not true. MM was stupid in PVP. Literally required zero skill to one shot people with aimed shot.

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You have an increased xp week for people to level up the class that they want to play, people get that class geared up in preparation for dragonflight, and then you completely gut it. People don’t have unlimited time. The 25% enhance nerfs are lazy and absolutely insane, on top of that the post isn’t clear if it is just for prepatch or going forward into Dragonflight. Tuning needs to take on a different philosophy at Blizzard, tuning should be to bring a class in line, not nerf to the point a spec is now unplayable in high level content.


Begging for more information on the enhance nerf with more background on the change. How will this effect current beta numbers?


I would also appreciate additional context


A 25% aura nerf to Enhancement Shaman seems very heavy handed when compared to the tuning of other classes. Beta logs show Enhance being strong, but not being 25% stronger than other comparable melee like Windwalker, Demon Hunter, and Rogue.

A nerf of around 10-12% would of been more sufficient to tone the class down without completely obliterating it. Any extra context on the nerf would be useful to see why Blizzard felt the need to nerf the spec by such a large number.


Adding to voices in thread questioning validity of Enh nerf. Way way way too much of a nerf without any explanation.

Yes enh was strong and a nerf was likely needed (even though other specs go full seasons without being touched) but 10% would of all ready been a huge hit, 25% means im getting pressured to stop playing my favourite spec for a raid spot which means no more sub.


Can we get some info on how they arrived at 25%? Do they plan at looking at things again before dragonflight?? I know we have access to a LOT of our powerful stuff in the skill tree thanks to being able to get two HUGE talents which free up a legendary slot. I’d just like some additional context, right now I’m losing all hope. I have played this spec since WoD. Please give us a good expansion.


The nerf to enhancement was needed, but 25% is WAY too much. 10-15% would be more reasonable.


25% is absurd. One of the highest cuts with no data or explanation. Regardless if you were right, explain it. My god


You people in the comments need to chill this game didn’t had PROPER balancing for a very long time and this is just only ONLY the beginning. And leading up to Dragonflight it might be more tuned and balanced more so then say before.