Class Tuning Incoming November 1

Paladin need one of their movement skills nerfed. I’m using leaper/bounding, double time, engi rocket boots and I can’t even get close to a movement built paladin. We’re losing leaper soon, how the heck is a paladin going to be able to build to be 450% higher sustained movement than a warrior?


It really is aggrevating when there is finally a spec that is fun to play and actually is able to deal damage only for blizzard to come around and nerf them horrendously.

Seriously, for once. Can you please leave the fun specs with good damage alone? People play games to have fun, not be frustrated because the only fun specs are as weak as wet toilet paper.


I mean, they would have Dragonflight internal data absolutely no-one has access to right? All that shadowlands stuff in the warcraft logs would be turned off in their in-house dragonflight testing?

It’s a tuning pass to fix outliers. Expect to see more up to and into the first raid in DF. The spec/class isn’t unplayable now. It didn’t need to be overpowered to be brought along. Play the class if you like it

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You need your class to be aggressively overpowered to consider playing it?


Can we please have a developers’ note for the enhancement changes? Given at how far ahead Windwalkers are, it seems a bit dirty to not provide some justification for the enh changes.

Also, can the devs please provide commentary about these changes as a whole? i.e. are these changes solely intended for pre-patch balancing or are you looking further down the line?


25% damage reduction for enhance shaman is the most lazy arbitrary ‘adjustment’ ever seen hands down. 25% across the board, everything, what a joke.


Sure a class doesn’t need to be overpowered. However it also shouldn’t feel terrible to play a spec that you enjoy because that spec does crappy damage. They are seriously way too heavy handed with nerfs and way too conservative with buffs.

They are literally tuning the fun out of the game.


Ouch. :frowning: Hunter is so squishy, why take away something that was so helpful???


Will Mind Spike be getting an animation?


Way to wait till after hitting public to nerf WW into the ground. I get some tweaks but wowzers… I spent the last two weeks leveling a Monk knowing Brewmaster was already the weakest tank thinking I could play WW and now they are both going to be pretty much gimp.

Looks like I go MW or just reroll Rogue cause we know they will continue to buff Rogue all the way through the expansion until they are OP as all get out.

So bad.


Do the devs even play Discipline? A numbers adjustment to healing output in raid was necessary, but gutting the core gameplay with Radiance and Evang? Actively watching every Disc Priest decide what class to play instead.


It would say PvP if it was. And the second aimed shot from double tap is already nerfed as it is in PvP.

That affliction damage is fake padding combining the fated mechanic Reconfiguration Emitter and Soul Flame talent.


I can see the benefits of tuning down enhance, the class is definitely overperforming with the combination of borrowed powers and having all the stats it wants, but a 25 percent aura nerf without any reasoning? That’s not just lazy, that’s absolute garbage tier on communication. If you’re going to do the largest Aura nerf I’ve ever seen while playing the game, could you at least walk us through your thought process? What’s broken? What needs to be fixed? Even WW had something said about it before you nerfed it so heavily, but Enhancement just got put out back and shot like feral was back in 9.2. I understand the class has gotten a lot of love and people are truly hoping it gets a chance to shine, but this doesn’t feel like tuning, it feels like a smackdown for doing too well.

Furthermore, why ruin the flow of Beastmaster? Why not just tune numbers if the damage is too high? Why ruin how a class feels for the sake of balance? If it wasn’t an intentional gamestyle why not communicate this to the player base? Or Discipline Priest, this is another class that has it’s entire kit changed by such a large change and there is minimal communication in this post. I applaud changes to classes that needed tuning, whether it be nerf or buffs, but explanations on “live” tuning isn’t too much to ask when all it requires is a few sentences of well thought out reasoning. It is your game, but this doesn’t mesh with the image that you the company is trying to show that you are listening to “us” the consumer. I’m not mad, but frankly I hoped for better on this level of change for Pre-Patch, not beta or Dragonflight, but a Pre-patch.

My point is why not communicate better like WW monk received in this post instead of just smacking down certain classes and not explaining why? Frankly I’ve see Free to Play Mobas communicate better on their weekly tuning of characters and I’m a little ashamed of this poor communication. I’m not asking to be the broken flavor of the month, nor is any of the community who looked at these changes and has to swallow them. What we are asking for is communication regarding such heavy nerfs shows knowledge and competence, it is this lack of communication which leads to people demonizing devs. While I’m sure there is a thought process, I would prefer if we were back to well thought and explained adjustments rather then what feels like sporadic changes.


Whoever thought of the 3 min evangelism change really enjoys enforcing the way they like disc to be played unto others. obviously the change was made so people find another build since every raid build was evangelism up to this point.


if you dont want disc in raids just say so.


Got my popcorn

i mean sure, adjustments to damage and healing done is whatever who cares.
but things regarding the playstyle builds/ruins specs, like a 3 min long CD on evangelism for priests


Agreed, there really needs to be some in depth explaination as to why they don’t want enhancement to perfom well in anyway at all.

Enhancement is probably my 3rd favorite spec, behind fury and veng dh. I was currently in the process of getting my horde and alliance enhancement shamans caught up and ready for DF.

This heinous, unexplained, way over the top nerf, has quite literally holted any play whatsoever on my shamans. Why should I even bother when the spec is clearly going to be horrendously undertuned once they lose the levels of haste they currently have.

It’s not even anger or rage or anything like that im feeling. Its just an overwhelming since of disappointment. Here I was thinking I finally had a spec that I really enjoyed, that wasn’t just a boring rotation slave, and it actually did damage. Then blizz comes along and just takes a massive dump on it…

Time to figure out what spec to replace it with. I don’t stick to fotm specs, but I also don’t play specs that make me feel like im gimping any party or raid I may be with. That’s exactly what enhancement will feel like in DF now when all this shadowlands haste is gone.