They were pretty close with Enhancement Shamans, Affliction locks, Frost DKs, fire mages and ret pallys.
STOP NERFING instead BUFF classes that are broken… and why a 25% reduction in all damage on enha what’s that!?!
Damn, tell me how you really feel blizzard
This is listed under Beast Master.
Does it ONLY apply to Beast Master?
Tell me you don’t play MM hunter without telling me you don’t play MM hunter.
MM sucks come DF
|Hunter|Beast Mastery| 7,068 PARSERS? lol for real ?
next one is boomkin with 3,835
subtley 203 lol
THIS CHANGES ARE WITH BETA ON MIND , blizz doesnt care about prepatch
Possibly get me to forever quit. This is insane. Disc should dps. Fix atonement/ raid healing or just close up shop and go home.
All these nerfs are given while we have Two “strong” legendary pieces , plus a covenant ,plus its conduits , plus the the stats given by shrouded affix , Do you have a plan for when Dragon Flight expansion actually begins ?
why not just get rid of all of those “powers” and the nerf all these FUN specs. ty
you assume they would’ve foreseen how messed up this S4+prepatch would be and look where we are sooooo
“We’d rather you didn’t play enhancement”
S4 was legit one of the best seasons we’ve had in a while. I’m not sure what you’re even talking about honestly. Prepatch was going to have some wonky interactions because we still have covenants. they pushed out the trees anyways.
Yep this is really bad plus the spec was already in shambles. This is going to hurt the game severely. Don’t balance around Atonement in raids (
i was talking about the current state…not S4 alone
Yeah but when will you fix the UI so minimap buttons and buttons below the bags are scalable so that you can ACTUALLY say that the UI redesign is “adjustable, effective, attractive, and easily accessible for everyone.” instead of being a handicap to those with vision issues?
ye, but this is s4 + prepatch, this was gonna be wonky to begin with. I don’t expect blizzard to completely balance every class with new talents + covenants + legendaries + conduits I mean that’s a pretty wild task, and probably really dumb to do considering DF is really close.
the classes that got changed for this prepatch were classes that were also a huge outlier at level 70
so if theyre expecting it to be this “wonky” why not leave it as it is and buff the low ones until they actually get rid of SL powers, they will have to come back and rework some of this specs, creating more work for themselves , why there is many bugs that still needs their attention, i mean warlocks would know about these bugs
They shouldn’t do class balancing changes based on prepatch stats. That’s why they’re not going to touch some classes that are underperforming and some classes that are semi over performing. Because at max level, when we have full talents, things will be different. This is just as simple as class design can be.
so youre saying its ok to nerf but not to buff?
Yes, in this scenario yes. Because even at level 70, they were overperforming by a large %. WW had nerfs coming you’re crazy if you think otherwise.
Was killing a world boss the other day (small sample size, I know) and two enchancement shaman were at the top of the meters – ilvls were 250 and 231. Clearly a little bit off on the tuning.