Although I was glad to see enhance show up in the patch notes and knew some form of a nerf was coming, this seems a bit too heavy handed, any blanket nerf over 20% should have some kind of an explanation to at least let players know what angle you are looking at the spec. The 3 areas it could be coming from are as follows:
- Prepatch data - which lets be honest if you guys are doing that its super questionable, the prepatch should be for fun the meshing of 2 expansions systems to make some bonker for fun builds until we get to new content. Lots of the enhance power comes from using an elemental legendary + covenant abilities which wont be in DF
- Beta Data - if this is what was used, in ST we weren’t 25% ahead of everyone maybe 10-15% at most, and in AoE there are still 4 classes (now that WW got hit) that were doing loads more damage than Enhance and where are their blanket 25% nerfs to bring them back in line with everyone else.
- PVP - I would hope you would just do a pvp damage nerf if this was the case I’m listing it here because it could be a possibility but i doubt it is.
This is 25% nerf just feels lazy, with nothing to explain why and a lot of the community thinking that its because of prepatch it just looks like you guys have no idea what is doing the chunk of Enhancements damage so you just hit it with a shotgun instead of picking apart the issue and hitting it with more precise and targeted nerfs.
I just think some explanation should be given or this should get rolled back to a 10-15% nerf to see where it lands and then go from there, if it eventually gets back up to a 25% nerf at least we saw the progress towards that point and it makes more sense, but going a month with nothing about Enhancement outside of pvp changes into this nerf just feels bad and makes the Enhancement community panic, just check the Earthshrine discord its been doom and gloom non-stop since these notes came out, when before everyone was happy where we were and understood that some nerf was coming just didn’t expect this big of one.
In the end its just a numbers change so wont stop me from playing enhance because its kit at the state it is in is super fun to play just would like to see some thought and effort put into the nerfs in the future.
My guess is it’s a combination of #2 and 3, shamans were doing well in beta without prepatch jank. But why 25% with not even a dev comment.
I’m not going to pretend to know in and out about any other class/spec but if we’re going off of pre-patch, enhance has some pretty strong conduits like Magma Fist and Focused Lightning that gets extremely boosted by the Lava Lash/overall spender buffs we received with pre-patch. Same probably could be said for utilizing the ele legendary since all of our other good leggos got rolled up into our talent trees.
Unfortunately beyond the eye test (which is wholly inaccurate for now until everything is aggregated with DF / S1 launch for the general public) - we just won’t know how much having access to the extra points plus new tier sets will either catapult enhance or just keep it even with other specs. While I do agree that enhance players would be irrational for not expecting a nerf since we were strong across the board in pre-patch through beta raid testing and beta M+, I don’t think anyone expected a 25% nerf which is enough to bring a spec from the top of the charts to nearing the bottom.
this is a misspelling right?? this is supposed to say havoc DH isn’t? please fix it fast
Could you change 25% to 15% blizzard, its my birthday today and this was not what I was expecting to get as a present 
For how often Fury of Xuen triggers it should offer MORE Haste to actually be meaningful.
A reminder, monks don’t and never have scaled well so so any nerfs to their Abilities are amplified.
Why are you nerfing hunter. A class that already hurting in pve and pvp?
At 100% felt good to use. Barb, kc, bard, kc, Wrath, repeat. This was was a good opener here.
This is also with BM pets are useless that die way to fast.
You do know that Arm shot needs to stand still to fire right and its slow interrupt-able cast.
…sigh…guys, can you just give me like…1 month with my class in great shape before you gut it?
Enhancement is in SUCH a great place right now, and it’s super fun to play. That is so rare in classes and specs nowadays. I’ve basically had to pick ones I don’t really enjoy just to stay competitive because you guys can’t leave enhancement shamans alone for five freaking seconds…
I think the 25% aura nerf to enh may have been a knee jerk reaction. Yes, I do feel that enh is a bit overtuned but also - I feel there are conduits, Covenant abilities, and legendries that are adding to the equation why Enhancement feels so ahead of the curve. The synergy with the new talent system combining with the old systems has created a perfect storm for the spec.
If you see the numbers on beta, Enh is a strong spec in ST/AoE wise but is still comparable to the other specs that are perceived as strong. I think there needs to be further review of what exactly the devs have imagined for Enhancement number wise and tune off of that aspect. Another question is, was this nerf being sustained through Pre-patch and being looked at again for when the expansion comes around? I think more context is needed for the community in order for us to look into ways to assist into tuning of the spec as a whole.
25% is literally going to take us from 5th to 2nd to last…what a mind-blowing overreaction on Blizz’s part.
25% nerf to enhance. What an absolute joke. I dont know if blizzard know how review data, because i still don’t see where they have ever been 25% above the next best and ive spent a lot of time playing the spec on Beta. Its actually really fun spec and WAS nice to see it in a good position going into DF
Why destroy a spec that has never been relevant in m+, after being fine to let Survival hunters and Destro locks to double the dps of other specs for multiple seasons. Just goes to show that blizzard always has favorites, and shaman will never be relevant. We will now do less damage then the 3 button BM players in m+ again. Nice…
Agree 100%. This was a WAY over the top response. Monk survivability, while improved, doesn’t warrant nerfing the ENTIRE kit. Get rid of, or nerf the Windlord one-shot. That’s all that was needed.
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I’ve mained BM since I started playing my hunter, now it feels like she won’t even be playable. Our specialty pets lost their unique abilities ages ago which really hurt, but they just keep getting picked at.
Then we get to my shaman…she’s enhancement, I love this spec its so much fun but now she gets slammed with the nerf bat so hard as to make her unplayable as well.
Not cool folks not at all. Some kind of explanation as to why these choices were made would be nice, instead of the wall of silence and ‘thou shalt take what you are given and like it’ attitude. We are the customers after all, we are owed that much at least.
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That’s because you’re assuming blizzard makes adjustments based on a comparison to other classes. The reality is blizzard decides ahead of each patch what classes they want to do the best and then tunes them to perform that way. Enhancement shaman is, and will always be, the red-headed step child of WoW.
A 25% nerf to Enhancement’s damage is egregious. The least they could do is at least provide some developer’s notes for such a heavy-handed nerf like they did for WW Monks.
So enhancement finally becomes good and it is nerfed by 25%? Why dont you just adjust the 10maelstrom stacks talent instead of nerfing it all.
Because a blanket nerf is easier to undo at a later time and is also alot easier to implement to “bring us in line with other specs for pre-patch” although yeah 25% is a huge over-reaction
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From a Shadow POV: i dont care much about it, I would much rather it was nerfed even harder for shadow at the cost of buffing our core spell abilities further so that our current button bloat is less.
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You gave a dev comment about Windwalker doing too much damage and which is understandable.
But than you apply a 25% damage nerf to Enhancement across the board without any sort of comment or communication as to why they are doing too much?