Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

  1. Significant Beast Mastery Hunter Buff

Updated for the second round of changes. See the screenshot.

It is worth around ~4-5%.

[Sim Link](h


[AoE Sim Link](h


2.The +10% Buff Alone is worth more than 10% in these sims because certain pet effects exist under multiple “auras” being buffed, and are therefore double-dipping on the buff.* (edited)

That’s what they did, they made it useless so you don’t play it until they can figure out a rework for it. At least now dev will be played and will stop being insta declined to keys for being dev and not aug.

I’m sure I’d feel the same if I played brew. I’m just trying to think of a logical reason why they’re leaving it alone right now, and there tends to be reworks that follow that level of ignoring feedback.

ya these changes on top of the other nerfs are just forcing a caster meta

i miss when we had class leads. came back to gamer recently after a very long break to have blizzard lol at me saying we got him again. they think they can have fun lol

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We don’t have Lust.
We don’t have a Brez.
We don’t have cookies. Or NPC stuns to skip mechanics. Or Invis tricks. Or 100% Immunities. The list goes on and on.
We don’t have ANYTHING that an M+ group looks for in bringing someone to a run.

The ONLY thing we offer is dps.

So every time you relegate us to C tier, it proves you don’t understand what’s going on. If we’re not at least A-tier, we’re nothing.

Note, I’m not asking for S-tier. We don’t have to be #1, but we should never be lower than #5. Otherwise, we might as well be #30. Because we have NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER.

You either give us a solid M+ utility item, or ensure we’re A-tier in DPS. That means: STOP NERFING US!!! >(


why would ret get the nerf hammer? its pretty middling

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Beast mastery hunters are simming for like 200k more damage after these changes. People knee jerk reacting before they even try it.

They done let Helen Keller at it again…

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Dorki and max were talking about it

lets hope. last time i played it was so hard to get a grp invite as bm because was c tier

It isn’t “lets hope”. Sims are facts, and the sims are in. Beast Mastery hunters are buffed. Its better that overperforming tier sets get nerfed and the power put back into your abilities.


I am starting to think the majority of hunters on the forums have no idea what they are talking about


Well, i mean, there’s another joke name for hunter players :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats what we thought with 11.0.5…then 11.0.7. We held our breath for 11.1 and got nothing.

So now when they do finally rework Brewmaster, it will be pointless because nobody who was playing Brew will be subscribed to the game.

No. Sims are fallable. They’re often buggy. A better indication is the data that Blizzard gets from the game modes – M+ and Raid.


I probably wouldnt count on a brew rework until midnight, we might see a talent rework but nothing crazy

Blood dks still 0 love…


Whole lotta nerfs here, what gives?

The point was, it is a buff. And it is silly, asinine, to complain and whine before someone even tests it.

These are the people giving feedback too. Thankfully Blizzard waits for data.

In the words of the hit boy band NSYNC- Bye Bye Bye