Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

No one brings a lock for health stones.

Tell you what, per your logic, you can take away my cookies but make me the best ST, Prio Dmg, Swap Target Dmg and AoE dmg beast! Deal?

So my lower ilvl Disc can with brann clear an 11 delve while my MW struggles and you nerf MW


And still no Brewmaster anything

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Yep. Which should tell you everything you need to know about how hilariously strong the original version was on the PTR, because the version prior to these tuning notes was like 60% of what the original one was or something because of the Bestial Wrath CDR.

I hate to say it, but sounds like a skill issue. Disc and mw were basically equal prior to this

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Yep. I was looking at the sims showing that and was like “yep that’s getting nerfed 100%”

You should probably read what the unbreakable bond talent is.

Thanks for ruining the excitement I had to play Oracle disc.


I thought that change was strange, given all the Disc’s I know were planning on doing Voidweaver anyway

so basically you read the word aug and just jumped to conclusions without reading the post. interesting.

dev doesnt even come close to what aug was in m+ this is just hopium. the more likely answer is unless pres kills it you just wont see evokers in keys.

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I read the word Aug and know that the person arguing for its existence is only interested in having a constantly OP class that Blizzard is incapable of balancing.

So, unless I see the word “Tank” included with it, yes, the post is trash and whoever is aruging for it has no standing in anyone’s mind.

so you didnt read the part where he said if they are going to nerf it into oblivion then they need to lock the class and rework it huh.

I think Dev and Pres are perfectly fine specs (albeit with a pretty crappy raid buff), let them have some time to try to find spots. If there are no evokers playing in high groups without Aug, then blizzard can decide what they do with that class.

Technically in DF S1, both of those specs had some play in M+ groups. Whether they will or not now remains to be seen.

dev was already being played in raid since it was better than aug in raid. in m+ unless something changes we just wont see evokers running in it. at least not any more than dev and pres already are.

Tinfoil Hat Theory: They are nerfing all these classes, they removed Heroic Week with the goal being extended the RWF and grabbing more revenue with sponsoring since it will take longer to be completed.

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dev was pretty bad in season 1 in m+, pmuch only saw play because it was the new shiny thing and people wanted to try it. Pres was just absurd in season 1 and had to get nerfed multiple times. dev saw play in season 3 DF quite a bit and aug saw a lot less play because triple dps was very strong, multiple groups doing over 30’s without aug

aug genuinely was only strong because of how bad dps balance is, when you have multiple strong dps aug is less needed but when there’s only 1-2 strong dps in m+ it’s just a required spec

That may be true, and if it is, Blizzard can know that those specs are not sufficient.

But if classes being shut out of high M+ was reason enough to lock classes and do massive changes to them then there are already classes in that boat. If ONE spec of a class sucking for a patch was enough to lock a whole class and perform massive changes, then dang near EVERY class would qualifiy.

Oh well, Aug sucks, move on.

they already said they werent gonna do heroic week after season 1 before the xpac launched, it was there for season 1 because it gave time to let people smooth into the new xpac

its not that they arnt sufficient its that they arnt meta. every class is pretty viable as long as you have enough skill and knowledge. the problem with m+ is none of that matters to people making the groups they care about one thing and one thing only whats the best. so in the thinking the only real results we will see if one of the other two specs dont become meta is a drop off in people playing evoker since a good chunk were playing aug simply because it was meta.
what they just did to aug though was basically make it a complete carry spec which is insane to say the least.

he saying lock the spec not the class.

I remember seeing Squishvegan playing a group for awhile in DF S3 that was Bear-Fury-Marks-Aug-Pres that I was amazed at. Not his normal group, but it seemed to work fine.

It will be very interesting to see how the season goes without Aug. Happy to see it go.

You said class. My bad then. However, as I said, if one spec sucks for a patch, oh well.