Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

Still not playing or. Glad my ret pally did not get the nerf hammer

Isn’t this a substantial nerf to abilities that depend on Wither tics, such as Dimension Ripper, an ability which already seems to have terrible proc rates? I feel as though it could have used a proc rate increase, but this should effectively reduce its proc rate by what, a third to half?

The nerfs to Wither tics seem like an odd change to make when you’re actually worried about shard accumulation and RoF spam (Inferno). Maybe, instead bake into the Hellcaller Hero tree, something which fundamentally changes RoF, thematically making sense while simultaneously fixing the over abundance of shards?

I’m not a fan of slowing down a spec because you’re worried that Chaos Bolt won’t maintain thematic integrity.

Who told you that, a Prot Paladin?


Can we stop with the auto-nerfs every time a savant manages to find a way to take a tank spec to a competitive level? There are 2 Prot Warriors in the top 1000 ranks in 3v3. 1 player managed to crack 3k and the other just barely cracked 2700.

In Solo Shuffle there’s not a single Prot Warrior who reached 2700.

I understand you just buffed tank damage for the sake of PVE, but when all tank specs have clearly been lagging behind their dps and healer counterparts in PVP, those buffs were needed in PVP as well.

So how do you justify throwing down such heavy-handed nerfs to a spec that only 2 people in the world have been able to play to a rating above 2700?

There as many Feral Druids in the top 10 as there are Prot Warriors in the top 1000, but you’re nerfing Prot Warrior harder than Feral. In what universe does this make sense?

No, this pretty much negates every other change.

We got some nice buffs to put us up into ‘A’ tier (not even the ‘S’ of disc/rdruid), and they didn’t even last longer than a few days on live.

This is just sad…

You should reply to OP. higher chances of being read.

Legit single target concern. Does it make us incinerate more, yet resulting in a fewer Chaos Bolt?

Brew must be getting a complete rework in 11.1.5 because I can’t think of any other reason why yall would keep ignoring the consistent feedback on it having issues.

I don’t even play brew and never will but this is kinda nuts to me.


Insane nerf

You can’t?

I sure as hell can.

I was hoping to read something about the Pwave and AG compensation. But sadly nothing yet again.

Please address this issue already. There are several threads about it and more being created cos people hate the change so much. Don’t let shamans start the season with a clunky spell y’all changed for no reason.

Well that didn’t last long.

More warrior nerfs. Cool…

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According to the hunter discord it is. it puts BM 200k above mm and surv, maybe even 300k. its a very uneeded buff. the -8% is what brought them in line. as it was still simming higher than mm and surv, the tier nerf is a 5% nerf the 10% aura buff is a 4.5-5.5% buff for ST. point is this aura will prob be reduced to 5% monday, or else BM will be absolutely broken and we will possibly see 3 of them in race.

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I think you forgot to nerf fury as well this time please fix this

wow hit warr llike that blizz lol

Mw was bursting people just as hard as a dos and still will. ???

Because tanks have no place in arena. Go grab a flag and run across the map.

You justifyinf a tank oneshotting people is just insane

Don’t pay attention to the troll. He has an insane hatred/jealously for all things ret.

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Ok so seeing as your doing this stop being a bad dev team and let Colossus get stacks of Colossal Might from Execute again. Your logic of we don’t want warriors spamming Execute but using big DPS cooldowns so we nerfed getting stacks of Colossal Might is probably one of the biggest, dumbest “We don’t play warriors and have 0 idea how they work so we will just throw out a stupid nerf and get a paycheck” ever. Heck do the warriors a favor and fire the dev in charge of warriors and get someone in who plays the class.

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