Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

The lack of tuning changes for tanks is appalling.

Shame on you Blizzard.


Reminder that the Brewmaster sims had them with Teachings of the Monastery which would have been a HUGE dps increase.

Quit trying to make Firestorm relevant.

Until you realise ground AoE effects with a long CD are a thing of the past, no one is going to use it unless it’s disgustingly overtuned.

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It’s also super fun. I’m not too worried.

Maybe try bringing up the other healer specs before nerfing the fun ones?


i am not optimistic about outlaw this coming season. which stinks, it’s the only rogue spec I really like.

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I’m kinda in the same boat, especially the set bonuses. They’re really trying to shove Sleight of Hand down people’s throats.

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Yeah tried Oracle Disc in the raid the other day, it’s crazy. I was fumbling around and not using CDs and putting out good numbers.

No reason for me to go Holy again lol.

You know there’s actual OP specs that are gonna pop off with the new tier AHEM fire mage but we’re not interested in nerfing that now are we.

Brewmaster is currently 30% behind Prot Warrior and Blood DK in single target.

**** we’re even 12% behind Guardian Druid in single target right now.

I guess we’re gonna have threat issues after all.

Theres only 6 tank specs and you can’t balance them at all. What a joke.


I think the Blizzard balance team is like Eric Cartman’s at his friend’s birthday on South Park with mage being Eric Cartman

if Cartman’s friends receive a gift (get to be meta for a tier) then Cartman receives a gift too (so gets to be meta too, every tier, without fail). One entire expansion as meta wasn’t enough, we just have to give them another one!

In due honesty, i have a bitter-sweet reaction towards this set of changes.

I was clear that Demonology tier-set was an overperformer among its pairs, so nerfs towards it come at no surprise, this change also eliminates any rotational shenanigans involving 1shard/2sharding based on nÂș of Dreadstalkers and this is good.

But i do wonder a few things.

  • Is the Wild Imp Damage increase meant to signify both Fel Firebolt and Implosion increases? because without buffs towards Implosion its likely this will be a 3.9% overall nerf towards the spec AOE.
  • This changes further sediments the build after the 3rd gate of the spec tree towards Left+Middle Branch, Right-side have been in quite a bit of desrepair in its values compared to it.

Overall this change works more like a Tier-set tunning, slightly buffing the single target (something like 1.9% while using gloomhound?) while slightly nerfing the aoe (around 3.9% nerf in aoe with Charhound) for the sake of not having a tierset who is a 20%+ damage increase.

I had a bit of a hope for buffs on the specs, but maybe its better to wait the Raid.

Overall i think those changes are on more on the positive side, even if i think the [2] could do without the nerf.

This change towards the Shard/Rain of Fire Economy is much more sensible than the change once done to Diabolist.

  • The difference between Tick-Times of Immolate/Wither did create some unfortunate design tension given every talent who worked on Immolate-tick time (Demonfire Infusion and Dimension Ripper for exemple) would always be 50% better on Hellcaller than Diabolist.
  • Damage Increasing Chaos Bolt is probably what most people would be happier with, as people have always had the impression that its Damage have been at a historical low compared to the likes of Legion.

In this sense, overall, the changes are a positive, but i would like to leave a bit of a personal concern.

  • The Buff towards Chaos Bolt by 20% might impact Shadowburn use-case, after all, remains to be seen if people will value Shadowburn execute/refunds enough to risk Shard Economy-loss.
  • Shadowburn stayed the entirety of Dragonflights without seeing use due to this issue, this issue stoped in TWW due to buffs bringing the Damage% per Soulshard of Shadowburn towards an value who is close of 50% of a Chaos Bolt (helped further by additional talent investments in the tree).
  • Part of me even hoped for a more simple solution of just reducing the Chaos Bolt cast time by 0.5s, so that it would avoid the need to consider buffs on Shadowburn.

In the end, i am happy with the Destruction Changes and wouldn’t personally mind seeing how things behave from this in the future.

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No? This means you dont have to min max with boomkin weaving now.

sv packleader tuning please, i beg

Ayo, please stop reducing Warriors damage

no it doesnt because they nerfed us 8% the week before and basically cut our tier set in half damage wise so theres no way that was a 5.5% buff.

please blizzard look at the tanks especially brewmaster how uneven they are.


We’re not playing Aldrachi Reaver no matter how much you try.

Havoc’s rotation is already 19 abilities long without having to also do some ultra specific abilities in order.

Don’t worry those buffs will come next week when they see pally’s not being 25% ahead of everyone else.

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Na they just want all monks to reroll to priest and pally.