can you add tank tuning in here as well, surely we don’t think they are balanced
Do you guys have anything for MM yet or are you just declaring it to be a failed rework and not touching it again until 12.0?
Got anymore of those updates for the poor holy paladins???
Rets are doing acceptable dmg. Time to nerf them!
-The last 20 years
This comes out to a 5.5% buff to BM which was already even with the other 2 hunter specs. really concerning how you did this tuning. and not doing any math for a 2nd time. Wonder when we will see something for dark ranger or does 98% sentinel and 99% pack leader not indicate a problem?
so you just buffed it by 5% lol what is that even going to do.
these changes are wild
the janitor watched the max tierlist and some intern printscreened 11.1 nerubar logs then sent this
these are all spreadsheet changes. fairly certain noone who contributed to this played the actual game
Surely, the bugs introduced by patch 11.1 will be fixed as well…
If you want to make firestorm usable for evoker then you’ll need more like a 200-300% damage buff and make it instacast.
Seconded… please provide at least some bumps to the tanks suffering under our VDH and Prot Pally overloads.
So this ends up being a 3~3.5% nerf to Arms ST for Slayer and you’re picking their main section of power to nerf them? Bit questionable when one of the main reasons Arms is even brought is for their execute damage and is one of the big reasons people play it in general. Somewhat smaller for Colossus Probably around the ~1.5% mark, but even then Colosuss is still a little behind Slayer in terms of ST capabilities.
Arms also isn’t exactly that far ahead on sims to other specs close to it, so this would’ve been better served as a blanket 2% overall aura nerf if one was even required at all (which imo it really was not) rather than just picking on the niche where Arms was finally getting to be the better Execute spec, especially when the ST drops further down when you start to pick Cleave/AoE talents moreso than other specs who lose a lot less when building their talent trees for ST damage.
I would also look at further adding in additional power to Colossus in it’s hero talent tree to reduce the gap between it and slayer so players have some agency in being able to play both hero talents for ST situations as opposed to relegating one to only M+ use or fight specific situations. The best points to bridge this gap would be either Mountain of Muscles and Scars getting a damage amp boost for Arms only or for there to be a further boost to the crit damage modifier on Martial Expert.
Additionally Demolish Crit RNG is one factor holding Colossus back, you should take a leaf from FF14’s book with what they did with their Samurai class which has a very similar ability in it’s toolkit where crit RNG caused massive dps swings based on sheer dumb luck.
Each stack of Colossal Might should also provide a 10% crit chance buff, you should then convert crit % that overcaps into critical damage so that it works just like Chaos Bolt does for Warlocks. Of course you’ll need to fix up PvP modifiers for demolish after the fact but this is the best way to further impose the need for crit as a stat for Colossus while also reducing variance pull to pull so there is more variety in the gameplay that players can pick from between the hero talents available.
I can understand the MS PvP modifer nerf that makes sense, the execute buff to counteract the PvE nerf isn’t enough imo.
Due to Slam’s extremely high PvP modifier it currently hints harder than Execute, so Execute was already on the way out and only ever really to be used with Sudden Death procs or with Slayer Marks on a target.
Nerfing Demolish when it is hard to even get the 3rd hit off on anyone with a brain is a bit weird. Demolish takes a little while to get to maximum stacks especially with a lack of critical strike rating on PvP gear.
If people ignore the warrior and do not kite them they should be heavily punished for it.
No rogue nerfs in PvP proves you guys have NO IDEA WTH you’re doing.
The sims that have been going around show Arms and Fury both at around 2.9mil where the average seems to be 2.6mil
The next closest were in the 2.7mil range. Both of the non-Slayer variants for Arms and Fury were in the 2.6-2.7mil range, so they took aim at Slayers biggest tuning knob in Execute.
A 3-3.5% dps nerf still sits you as an Arms Slayer simming above every other spec in the game.
Frankly, given how lacking in utility warriors are, I’m fine with that, but to pretend you weren’t ahead is disingenious.
This set bonus was hideously strong. Blizzard addressed similar outliers on PTR (SPriest was like a 32% DPS increase) and BM’s was already getting nerfed multiple times over throughout the PTR. I think this set bonus is somewhere in the realm of 20% of what it was originally supposed to be on PTR and it’s STILL a very good set bonus.
Ironically, BM comes out of these hotfixes considerably stronger because of the baseline damage buffs it’s getting, and it was already pretty strong.
That’s fine and all, but there are plenty of prelim sims that get sandbagged initially early into a patch either intentionally or unintentionally with APLs not being set-up correctly on purpose or on accident (see the S1 SL debacle with Shadow Priests) so going by sims entirely can be ever so slightly inaccurate. Then there’s also points where what sims highest isn’t what’s played see S2 SL warriors not playing Venthyr even though it ‘simmed highest’ initially and instead opted to play Kyrian/Fae because those damage profiles were better for the raid itself.
Note how the notes also say Arms only and not Fury, so with both slayer variants ‘simming high’ on those preliminary lists, why isn’t Fury copping a nerf of equal measure alongside it in ST?
Overall balancing the game is good, if something is drastically ahead that’s not fun for those behind them. But also given wow’s cyclical approach in taking turns being the ‘overpowered’ spec even if it’s not by much it isn’t exactly a bad thing to have some disparity between specs that also do not get any nerfs directed their way at all (See enh being broken af the whole of S1 TWW).
I agree, it probably should. I’ll admit I’m amazed they nerfed Enh. I thought that was their golden child for this xpac.
But then I remember mages exist.
Just took them one entire tier. crazy
How is it failed?
Before these notes came out season 2 tier was a 16% gain going from old 4 piece to new 4 piece or 23% from no tier to season 2 4 set.
I’d love to know these “players” you are getting feedback on from these class changes. A list would be actually great. Because the amount of yo-yo balancing you guys do makes me question the reliability of these “players” and their levels of expertise. You also need to relocate to a plane of existence that has what they call a “middle ground.” You guys go from extreme to gutter on a scale, its exhausting and an insult to player’s time investments in your draconic gameplay loop.