Yes moonkin weaving to do max dps is not a place cats need to be. I really wish they would remove that talent to let you keep stats on switching, There is no way it won’t either be abused or ignored. There is no in between that feels good.
Ever since I saw it, I’ve thought: “no good can come of this”.
Can you PLEASE confirm whether you intend to compensate Augmentation Evoker for any of the extreme nerfs in last week’s class tuning? When you have streamers like Tettles putting Aug as the ONLY F-tier spec for M+, I think it’s clear that you were heavy handed with the nerf bat.
You said that buffing tanks and healers was the issue, so you disabled that and claimed you were compensating for it by re-adding Close as Clutchmates. Then you nuked Close as Clutchmates into the ground without reverting the prior changes.
If you truly believe that Augmentation is so disruptive to PvE as a spec that it needs to be completely unviable in M+ and in raid, I think you should just admit that and disable the spec entirely until you can figure out how to actually implement it correctly.
As someone who thoroughly enjoys the playstyle of Augmentation, it feels terrible to be in a position where people feel that it’s the only DPS spec not even worth inviting to a key. I’m not asking to be the best, I’m not even asking for you to fix it right now. I just wish you would admit to us that you don’t know how to implement it instead of killing it.
Nope. Aug belongs in the trash can until they can turn it into a tank spec like it should have been.
Me Ctrl F “primordial wave” 0 results
Closes browser
Aug needs to die or go back to the drawing board. They obviously benched it on purpose because every incarnation has been S++. There’s no way around it being mandatory the way it was designed.
Hopefully change is coming. I hate for people to love and lose a spec. (Assuming it’s the spec and not the perma meta status).
That’s a pretty iffy assumption…
0 feedback from the absolute decimation of ele shaman primordial wave. To the bottom of the charts they go.
It’s the spec. If it was even C tier I would still play it. As is it’s essentially just the worst possible DPS you can bring that also is incapable of carrying other bad DPS.
I wouldn’t mind a tank spec, although I do just like the support role existing in general. My problem is that they completely gutted it a week and a half before the season without so much as a “sorry!”
Hunter discord is laughing to the bank with a 8% st and aoe buff. the tier change literally did nothing. BM is now 300k above the other 2 hunter specs in sims. when before this tuning all 3 specs was fairly close. Really hope there is a 2nd part to this tuning or its going to be a very disappointing week 1.
Not gonna lie, I’m kind of sad the notes don’t include more aug nerfs.
Thank God. No paladin changes.
So excited to have an Evoker rework into a tank spec before Brewmaster receives an actual buff that makes them something other than a joke in M+
Ret numbers are the same as before the patch.
It was too strong. The 10% aura buff offsets it
Even with the 8% nerf we gained damage from the patch
hpal has been bottom 2 healer since probably s2 of dragonflight. i dont really care, as i play all but two healing specs in the game, but it would be nice to see disc not be top 2 for five minutes. id love to see even a holy priest meta
Updated the Hunter section with the following:
- Beast Mastery
- The Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Barbed Shot now fires at 100% (was 200%).
- The Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set bonus has been adjusted - Potent Mutagen damage reduced by 50% and reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 0.25 seconds (was 0.5 seconds).
- All ability and pet damage increased by 10%.
where are the mage and ret paladin nerfs?