Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

All in good fun. I think I was also running a ST build as the RL wanted more boss damage to make intermission and p2 go faster. So I missed cleaving the p2 adds and p3 adds.

Making raid leader happy as trial > padding.

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I honestly can’t remember. It’s been so long since I did heroic.

Outside of last Thursday when we did a quick clear to gear some people leaving it had been a while.

I know you get the debuff and then you turtle the next pop. I’ve had to do it to help my Tanks cause we do it so that the tanks pop third or sometimes when another popper dies I’ll turtle, cheetah over to their pop in cases where it’s the opposite groups popper and double pop so we stay alive.

Consider it a blessing they didn’t completely rework one of your previously most enjoyable spells into a clunky boring one :sob:

#RIP-Primordial-Wave :broken_heart:
Lost, but not forgotten … :pensive:

/salutes the ‘Fun’ aspect of elemental-spec’s Primordial Wave @ its burial at sea :saluting_face:
:boom: {The Shaman-Soldiers firing squad – do honourary lava-burst shots to the sky} :boom:

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We operated our pre wod heroic guild with zero bench, you can do without a bench you just need a good team of mostly non married non parents lol

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They honestly made it so much better for enh imo but at the expense of ele

Is Brewmaster a joke to you?


They should have straight up just made them have two separate functionalities for each spec.
What they did was lazy – and I mean this in all sincerity on behalf of the shaman community:


I mean, we’ve got a tidal wave of threads raging about it, along with a relatively popular megathread at the moment → And all we get in return is radio silence!??

  • Honestly, it feels like the equivalent of Blizzard flipping us the bird. :face_exhaling:

Not surprised there’s been a few shaman players who’ve quit their sub over it.

I haven’t really looked at my shaman yet :grimacing:

If you play ele, you may perhaps understand the reason for the several threads on the shaman forums by various players + further reason to why I made the megathread which had a significant ordeal of a great many roaring in unison with outrage :sweat_smile: lol


Assuming you’re talking PvP, cause ret ain’t that crazy in pve

Way I understand it, its a joke to just about everyone…

Blizzard just doesn’t care if you suck.

Updated the OP with–


  • Reverted:
  • Lycara’s Meditation does not retain the bonus from your last shapeshift form if you enter and then leave caster form.
  • Updated Lycara’s Meditation: Players must remain in a shapeshift form for 2.9 seconds, modified by Haste, in order to retain the Lycara’s Teachings bonus from it. The ability description string will be updated in a future patch.

This most-recent Druid adjustment may not go live with maintenance in this region, and my come to the game later in the day.

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I would have loved to hear you meant the bear adjustments to not make us the lowest damage tank still… but guess not.

I have an update on this change:

We have been working on making changes to Lycara’s Meditation to prevent unintended gameplay for Feral Druids where it is optimal to frequently enter either Moonkin or Bear Form during downtime in their rotation. We don’t want to reduce the Versatility bonus in Bear Form like we did the Mastery bonus from Moonkin Form because it’s a valuable survivability perk. However, the unintended rotation is still optimal with the above change.

We are working on a hotfix to undo the above change and add a requirement to stay in any shapeshift form for a short time before its bonus can be retained with Lycara’s Meditation:


  • Lycara’s Meditation: Players must remain in a shapeshift form for 2.9 seconds, modified by Haste, in order to retain the Lycara’s Teachings bonus from it. The ability description string will be updated in a future patch.
  • This changed has been reverted: "Lycara’s Meditation does not retain the bonus from your last shapeshift form if you enter and then leave caster form.

The duration was chosen so that if you spend a GCD entering a form, perform an action (2 actions in the case of Cat Form because of their shorter GCD), then leave the form, you will retain the bonus.

Because these changes are being made so close to the start of Season 2, they may not be applied at the same time as other tuning changes, but they will go live as soon as possible.


Bears please

And just remove Lycara’s Meditation. It can only cause problems that you have to keep tinkering with to make it not exploitable, to the point where it becomes useless.


Is there any way for you to ask the tuning team to buff beast mastery AoE? - I ask because of the previous post I put here.

Just delete the talent already