Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

Props for the Druid class tree rework in general, but I’m kinda conflicted about Lycara’s Medication being a thing in the first place and can’t quite understand its design goal for anything besides maybe Resto in most settings (especially M+, which, for what it’s worth, this talent makes perfect sense for), or Bear in a raid environment only.

What exactly is the design goal for a talent that is either actively useless in the vast majority of scenarios or is a damage increase to run but encourages an extremely unhealthy playstyle like Chickenweaving Feral? Because you’re going out of your way to remove Chickenweaving/Bearweaving Feral (which is the absolute right answer, by the way; nobody wants that playstyle to be a thing, so thank you for getting rid of it), which begs the question as to why Lycara’s exists in the first place.


Actually a dps spec with brewmaster rotation would be kind of cool. Maybe it’s time to drop the whole tank thing.

Imagine if they had a druid dev. IMAGINE


Same with a Hunter dev it feels like. - Edit: Yes MM got a rework, but they ignored almost ALL feedback about it once it was put on PTR.

The fact druids get a better detailed explanation than hunters is depressing


How do us Affliction Warlocks report the Blue Post for trolling?


That’s not even comparable to raiding now days though lol

BMs damage profile has always been primarily ST.

Yea, it was less sweaty

Exactly. Any good ce guild will definitely have a bench now.

Which is part of the reason I stopped running high end raid guilds, I don’t recruit people to not play. Benches are awful from a player perspective and only required because of the strict nature of mythic

“You aren’t on the roster for this boss, but you can’t do anything else because if we kill it, we’ll need you for the next” just never sat well with me

Delete Lycara’s Meditation.

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I would disagree. Sometimes people get burned out and being able to rotate to bench was always a nice option.

When I joined my current guild I was on the bench which helped a lot with the burn out.

Everyone I’ve ever played with has honestly been eager to raid, we’ve just run into different types of people I guess. I know I ain’t paying 15 bucks a month to not play personally lol

TBH just be good enough to not get benched. Benching only happens when you have people not supplying the right output or doing the mechanics well enough.

If you’re in a Mythic raid guild thats doing CE in the first month or 2 then its understandable to be benched due to class/spec requirements… after that pull the numbers, do mechanics and you dont get sat.

The reason for a bench (and its a seriously screwed up term) is to manage rosters when people are away, unavailable or cannot make it through a night. Not to purely recruit someone to sit them as a back up in case someone isnt there.

Going into ever tier Mythic raid rosters should be min 23 with players having offspecs like tank healers. Manage your roster right and no one complains ever.

Eh, I just prefer no bench, never liked them

Good mythic guilds will rotate players to maximize vaults. Most good CE level guilds arent taking the same 20 every fight

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MM gets the Endurance Training without a pet. It’s even bugging out and double dipping with tenacity pets.

Interesting. Suppose that’s all the more reason to run Tenac pets until that bug gets fixed no?

Well I just resubed to play season two after 3-4 months off to see they shafted Fury warrior for absolutely no reason.

Guess ill just cancel again.