If we’re going with the idea that you’re just intentionally being willfully ignorant and trying to obfuscate the truth then I’m just putting this here to stop misinformation of how things work from being spread.
“We” aren’t doing anything. I’m not going to sit here having a “yes huh” “nuh uh” contest with you all night though, so carry on believing whatever your heart desires.
What lack of credibility?
I will say I was wrong about you buying 12s.
My apologies
On the contrary, I am simply an adult educating someone who is having a temper tantrum on a game forum there is no contest here. My goal is to correct the clearly incorrect information you are spreading for any onlookers just casually scrolling through the forums. I am aware, in your fragile emotional state you may have trouble accepting the knowledge I provide however.
no shammy resto love?
Famous quote from The Simpsons “Stop, Stop! He’s already dead” At the start of Season 1, BM Hunters were doing less DPS and Overall Damage than tanks, sounds like Blizzard wants to keep them there
Enhance has been good for a while. Ele was okay for 1 season
He did ok, as someone thats also done the fight looking at his death it wasnt even his own fault. He got a mechanic and died to rot damage. Not even a mechanic error there. Looking at boss damage is also telling, did almost the same boss dam as the hunter that parsed 72. A lot of parse is pad on this fight xd.
at this point just delete the spec and replace it with a ranged dps spec
No we weren’t. BN was very strong in st at the start of season 1.
It had some issues in keys with aoe but it wasn’t below the tanks.
When looking at the log I realized I had health pot up so still partially my fault. I was baiting far in the chance I got a portal so I was probably out of range of some of the healers
Usually I had been using it in either intermission or p2 and didn’t realize I hadn’t used it that pull.
If we were to go back and rekill I’m sure I’d parse an above a grey like I did for silken court.
I mean you did the right thing in my opinion still in that case, focus on getting port to right position at all costs because otherwise that’s a wipe. Easiest mistake in the world to make.
I tend to play far away to bait mechanics. If you watch the replay of p1 you can see I’m running around like crazy.
Move far to bait web blades then stacking for pop just to run around the edge for liquify.
BM is so mobile I was trying to help the less mobile range as much as possible.
Yea same feeling. my game froze and i died early on SC and missed both the lust and enhancements and got brezed for webs at the end which resulted in me receiving a 0 sucky feeling especially when I had a log at like 1-0.5% where I parsed 77 but that’s how prog goes
Respectable tactic. I tend to play the distance game too, only moving in when I’m low HP for heals. Also, not that it’s relevant anymore, but Hunters can handle 2 pops on Ansurek if you Turtle one of them.
How about a support sp…oh wait never mind.
RIP Aug.
Yep. In joined my current guild as they were starting court prog. I joined with the expectation of taking a break till 11.1 but told them I could bench if they needed me. I was brought in for silken prog and on my 20th pull we killed it.
I flat out was not prepared with any prep because I wasn’t expecting to be pulled in.
Same with queen. Filled in a few times when needed and they did a reclear with me and two other trials.
On our 3% wipe I was parsing a 67 over all
Then we kill when I died. O well it was worth it for a first kill.
Yep that sounds about right
I just try to look at how I can help the raid.
As someone that would rage when I would drop rop on my mage just for one to run on top of me with a mechanic lol
Maybe on heroic but mythic has a debuff.
Doesn’t Heroic have a debuff too? If not that’s a total mandela effect from when my guild cleared it.