Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

RIP Warrior PvP

Youā€™re literally proving my point.

The name change didnā€™t mess up the key data. I can see your keys.

All keys done as your original name with the 12s done on a Wednesday then you name change.

Not suspicious at all lol

He canā€™t because I didnā€™t lol. I came back to the game a month ago after quitting in DF S1, leveled an enh shaman and played it for 2 weeks and got my portals and stopped because pushing io right before a new season is super pointless. Then I started getting my fire mage, blood dk, and resto druid ready because I was undecided on my main. Heā€™s just big mad about me clowning on him for being an obnoxious and condescending neckbeard thatā€™s not even good at the game so heā€™s reaching for anything he thinks is a real zinger. Heā€™s yet to find a good one.

Itā€™s a pretty easy sequence of events for anybody to understand except him. Bless his heart. Thereā€™s a reason half my 10s are ++ and I have no attempts at anything higher. Itā€™s hard to get carried as a dps while youā€™re topping the interrupts and the damage. :joy:


But thatā€™s your lack of experience talking


If you bought the new expansion then you technically did pay for KSH.


Lol well youā€™ve got me there. We all paid for KSH. Shame on us all getting boosted.

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Eh, in your case Snozay is just being entirely disingenuous.

Itā€™s pretty obvious looking at your pattern of key runs that you did not buy key carries. It doesnā€™t take more than a solid minute or two of poking through your run history and the makeup of your groups to identify that you didnā€™t buy your 12s.

Hell, even if weā€™re just going strictly off of the ā€œall 12s done in one dayā€ bit, thatā€™s very obviously not true just looking at the dates on your highest 12s completed on RIo, lol. It looks like you did most of them over the course of a given week and a half after doing most of the keys at ~+10-11 for weeks before and after.

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every single 12 is with an entirely different group, that tends to support that the keys were done legitimately.

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Itā€™s his default mode.


I didnā€™t do them all in one day, though. Idk why it says they were. 12s arenā€™t exactly an easy carry. Theyā€™re just about impossible if someone is dead weight.

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Not only that, theyā€™re not even all completed on the same day. Thereā€™s a solid week/week and a half spread on the keys from what Iā€™m seeing on the run history.

Iā€™ve had him ignored for a good bit now. Itā€™s not surprising to me in the slightest anymore, unfortunately.

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maybe a bug with raider io in transferring data from old name to new name, it happens sometimesā€¦ iā€™ve seen it before


Thank you for pointing that out. Pugging 12s isnā€™t easy. Ironically, doing them with the same group could also imply that someone has friends or a dedicated key group


Stop nerfing hunters :frowning:


Me too but when I think heā€™s going to say something exceptionally dumb due to the context of the conversation Iā€™ll click view hidden reply. I call it Snozay Roulette. Itā€™s a fun game, try it!

You can also just say something about him and itā€™s like summoning the Candyman. His neckbeard will tingle and heā€™ll appear, then he will respond with some really dumb stuff where he attempts to insult you.


I donā€™t have a lack of experience but Iā€™m.

Nope. I said it was suspicious.

You get what you give back in all honesty. Mage has engaged in a fair bit of trash talk as well :dracthyr_shrug:

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Good luck getting Snozay to understand THIS concept in particular. :joy:


someone who has consistently two chested 10s isnā€™t going to be buying 12s.


Uh oh boys and girls, heā€™s typing.

Candyman, Candyman, Candyman