Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

Hey Snozay, since that other Hunter left the thread. What did they mean by BM being “DOA”? Once more I am not great with acronyms so I would like some insight.

It means “dead on arrival”

If BM is DOA, about half the specs in this game are beyond the afterlife.

You’re gonna be good.

There’s a massive difference between a grey parse on mythic queen and grey parses in normal.

Mage has zero clue what he’s talking about which is why he’s so angry and keeps bringing it up.

It’s just some people doom and glooming over the 5% change. BM will be fine.

This ^^

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Eh, debatable as it’s once again subjective. Really the only hunters punished by your statement here are Survival Hunters as BM and MM have Dark Ranger which essentially macros [Exhiliration] with [Survival of the fittest] allowing for increased survivability. Still a most thorough argument no doubt.

I see, thank you both for the insight.

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Could we get either of these nerfs reverted, since the tier set that made our AoE so strong is getting nerfed?


Dark Ranger is incredibly dead tuning wise, its not something BM least can play in current tuning, if they arent willing to give something like 30% dps compared to playing Pack Leader. Aint nobody but RPers gonna take that trade.

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I do play Dark Ranger BM strictly for the increase in survivability. Hunters don’t really have a whole lot of options as Athernon had stated prior so I prefer to have all the options I can get which is particularly useful in situations where a Tank or Healer is somewhat lacking. Though I have plans to change over for Undermine and leave Dark Ranger as my secondary.

(post deleted by author)

Undermine is already out no?

Is it out? Yes. Is raid open and S2 started? No, that’s tomorrow’s reset my friend.

DR was the better hero talent in 11.0.5+(?). I admit I am not 100% sure on timelines as I had health troubles and essentially missed most of the tier. Either way, it was more than competitive with Pack Leader in M+ least.

Not telling anybody how to play as I aint paying yall subs but the level of dead Dark Ranger is compared to Pack Leader in damage is kinda inexcusable. You can try to justify it by defensive value but in reality hunter will always be somewhat reliant on healer healing. Doing actual damage will help the healer more by pack dying than having little bit of sustain for yourself.

I do think DR defensives are strong, I do not think hunter really requires them tho. We got 2 charges of survival of the fittest, fortitude of the bear if we not lusting, turtle and exhi is a strong self heal to help healer with not a massive CD due CDR we get on it. All in all defensively speaking BM is fine, most of it its proactive you need to press before damage happens, which is admittedly harder to play than reactive stuff.

I dont think anybody, who wants to clear content, can justify playing DR in current tuning. The gap is just ludicrous, which is really shouldnt be but its what it is.

I actually cannot for the life of me find a single crack in your argument here. Heck you can even go a step further by macro’ing Spirit Mend to Exhil if you’re running a Spirit Beast and not lusting. Quite the solid stance honestly, sorry to hear about your health problems as well.

How exactly can you prove they bought KSH? I did exactly 1 timed 12 for each dungeon and called it a day. I didn’t buy my keys, but I imagine you would make that claim. Why do you think it’s acceptable to call ppl bad on the internet?

They hid their raider io runs.

You magically timed all your 12s on one day and then name changed which is also a huge indicator you bought them.

Because credibility matters. Especially when said mage has tried calling out my grey mythic parse on queen.

Also because I can.

Not literally in a day. It took me a few weeks.

That’s not what raider io data showed.

All the 12s I glanced at were on the same Wednesday.

Coupled with the fact that you name changed

I honestly don’t care if you defend yourself. My opinion isn’t changing.

The name change borked the key data. Idk how you sleep at night.

Doesn’t this also ruin it for owlweaving resto which is one of the only specs that probably didn’t hate this talent?