Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

All the ones I looked at showed on a Wednesday. Granted I only looked at 2 or 3.

However the timing of the ones I looked at and the name change were suspicious.

I will say that only said it was suspicious looking. If you got them legit congrats.

Either way you prove that ret is easier than BM :slight_smile:

for real. this making me not want to give s2 a try

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I usually donā€™t open up ignored stuff unless Iā€™m responding to somebody who quoted ignored stuff (since that means Iā€™m seeing it despite the forum ignore), but the sad thing here is that it took almost no effort to immediately identify that nothing Zemus was quoting from Snozay as an accusation had merit.

Oh no, Iā€™m agreeing, thatā€™s my point. Snozay was claiming they were all done in a day and they very obviously were done with different groups over at a bare minimum a week. Zemus did a pretty decent volume of 10s-11s on each of those keys before knocking the 12s out. The record speaks for itself there.

Not accusing Zemus of anything at all and honestly baffled as to why Snozay is trying to do so.

Donā€™t worry, next itā€™ll be something about ā€œwell yeah Ret easier spec kekā€ or some garbage like that.


Itā€™s not really easier. Itā€™s just better.

wild that a BM actually said this


ding ding ding, we have a winner


LMAO he was literally typing this in a comment while you typed this comment. Heā€™s so predictable and you read him like a book. That was hilarious.


Oh. Huh. Thatā€™sā€¦ welp, Iā€™m not surprised.


iā€™m guessing his logic is this: any class that timed a 12 is easier than BM

so boomkins easier, ele/enh easier, mages easier, locks easier, spriests easier, havoc, devastation, aug, frost/unh dk, etc etc etc?


Is that why you have a harder time on hunter and were complaining in other threads?:

The patch changes wrecked BM. Also, does more dmg doesnā€™t equate to being easier

Nope. My logic is Zemus complaining about poor BM damage in another thread.

Wild you think BM is easier than ret.

You were complaining before the patch.

no words are even necessary to reply to this one lmao

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No I wasnā€™t. I was doing 10s okay on my hunter before the patch. It wasnā€™t as much dmg as my paladin, but that doesnā€™t make ret easier.

Based on his gray Queen Ansurek parse that heā€™s super sensitive about (since he wants to talk about being carried), itā€™s easier for most people to play anything than it is for him to play BM. Thatā€™s his only Queen Ansurek kill too. :eyes:

He was alive the whole fight until the very end but still came out with a gray parse. Very impressive to have his ego with that (lack of) ability.


I didnā€™t say BM was hard. In saying ret is easier because it is.

You choosing to not reply doesnā€™t change that fact.

Like it or not rets easier.

Especially when you donā€™t even use the correct embellishments.

I donā€™t like embellishments that donā€™t function when my health is below 80%. The correct ones are the ones that work best for me

Lul like a broken record.

And you donā€™t even have a kill. Or rather even a heroic one to compare to his. Glass stones and all that lmao. Iā€™m all for throwing around trash talk but this is a hilarious point when you donā€™t even do the content.

Thatā€™s rich coming from you.

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