The raw data says otherwise. a talent only seeing 7.5% pickrate is not conducive to the talent being in a healthy state. a damage buff isn’t going to fix that. But since this is a blue post on balance tuning I’d say nothing short of a tripple digit damage buff would warrent taking it in most cases like at least 300-500% like in the past when they’ve tried to push an underpicked talent blatantly hard.
No these are based on the PTR and their internal testing on M+/the raid.
No one that plays this game at the highest level is even batting an eye at any of these changes, every single 1 was seen coming.
Where’s your mythic queen parse?
Or even heroic parse for that matter
I’m not saying the talent is good, just saying that situation happens
all of it is bad… gist all of it !!!
Eh, nerfing mw is a bit weird
I didn’t say they weren’t? And I’m not saying that I didn’t know changes were coming - I’m saying I’m tired of the way they are implementing some pretty wild changes sans the ptr. Period. They should be able to launch a complete patch with some confidence. That isn’t asking for anything wild or crazy.
MW was pretty busted, noone is surprised.
They do not balance for M+, that’s the only place it seems weird…but they were looking insane for prog.
I think you should look at every single MMO type game and see that this is extremely common and how all of these game styles are done.
It’s quite literally a requirement.
But ok, man yelling at clouds.
Well, they should really start balancing for both, separate it out like they do for pvp
Hell, they do actual competition from m+ unlike raid, you’d figure they would want to
I do agree with this part, for sure.
That I agree with, but we can wish all we’d like.
It’s quite literally not this common of an occurrence on “every other mmo.” That’s some crazy cop-out stuff. They should do better. That’s it.
It’s strange they don’t, they actually run competitions for m+ unlike raid. You’d think they would not want disc to be the healer for like the 10th time in a row lol (exaggerated)
The reality is that the competitions they run are done to such a bleeding edge that there will always be a mathematical small % difference via a certain synergy, no matter what they do, so really this is a no-win problem for them.
People think a 2% diff between classes is somehow egregious, that’s typically the gap, and it’s within the margin of RNG, but people do not know how to read their sims, logs, or apply critical thinking which leads to the overreactions we see in this thread.
There will ALWAYS be a meta, and they know it.
Honestly I am of the belief that parse is subjective and simply enables the overbearingly toxic state that WoW has become. You mindlessly pit yourself against the top 1% of guilds who have all the means of “setting the pace” through things like race to world first and getting gold or purple parse which is something that by the time race to world first has concluded, other guilds, or those like Magedaddicus, can’t consistently achieve simply because he is sans guild and thus has merely pugging as a means of partaking in raid. We shouldn’t shut somebody up and invalidate their feedback simply because they either have a worse parse or are sans parse altogether. Which Mage is guilty of this himself in his comments about Snozay having a grey parse. If we do this practice then the only people who get to have a say in the development of the game would be the 1% of top players.
Which is why I think they should always work on changing it season to season. It doesn’t matter that meta doesn’t matter for 99% of players, they’ll still want meta lol
It’s cute you think I care what a pretender says.
Anyone that’s ever played at a ce level knows people don’t go for parses on first kills.
People don’t hide their runs on raider io if they are legit.
You’re also the one quoting me in random threads because I’m living rent free in your head.
You’re clearly the angry one.
Well, they do. Outside of aug taking over, which they finally nuked (albeit too far), the meta is typically different season to season historically besides 1-2 seasonal outliers.
Enh was about to be giga again, and they dropped it down heavily, so that alone shows SOME semblance of “ok, even though we balance for raid this isn’t ok” within their balancing meetings.
The meta issue in weekly keys is quite literally a community problem that blizzard cannot ever fix, we suck and are the problem, not them.
exactly - so hunters really cannot provide lust to the group (without removing one of their very few and far between defensive cooldowns).