Nothing short of reworking how firestorm works as an ability will get people to actually take that terrible talent. The only time firestorm is worth taking is with 3+ static unmoving targets. Be real guys, how often does that actually happen? It’s been a dead talent since DF launch, it’s time to rework firestorm.
Oh I read it as you saying no class should have “2-3 of their one class be pure DPS spec”. Disregard, my bad. Yeah I agree that a spread of classes should be encouraged for sure.
Honestly a lot in m+, group your groups, murder them
Except when you were playing it on Queen Ansurek.
I do believe at this point he is actually talking about current tuning
They removed 10% and put 5% instead, so 5% overall nerf. lol
For sure but it’s more fun this way and that’ll make him throw another little tantrum.
The Hunter “tuning” kinda reminds me of that corny old Xbox360 joke about turning 360 degrees and walking away.
Multiple passes basically to end up back where you started. Interesting approach lol.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m getting pretty grinded down by last minute wide swinging nerfs and buffs that don’t seem to address much other than perceived balance based on data that you won’t share with us. We try to decide what characters we’re going to play LEADING UP to a season, not the second week in because you finally decided to push updates that are supposedly gleaned from the ptr – that should have gone with the ptr so they could be, you know, tested – but your timeline is far more important than player (sorry, consumer,) satisfaction or even a decent game. I can’t wait for the next 3-4 weeks of constant changes and updates and nefs and new buffs and immediate nerfs to new buffs and wowhead pointing out more then for you to come “fix.” And all for a majority of the same classes to stay in the meta, despite crying how much they don’t want a meta every expansion. This same show every patch is growing really old, imho.
Strictly in pure single target.
If you’re trying to reroll to catch the broken spec, and getting upset when they catch on and fix it…that says a lot about you.
Play what you enjoy, and IF you care about meta rerolling, you shouldn’t even remotely care until the .5 patch anyway as that’s ALWAYS when the meta gets set.
The top 100 guilds to kill the raid will represent every spec, as always.
Rofl every time you repeat that is hilarious because you’re so clueless how out of touch you even bringing that up is.
Keep it up. I clearly hurt your feelings calling out your purchased mplus runs.
PS talking about ptr tuning not last tier
Never done that, and entirely not the point of my post. I don’t mean a once or twice off broken thing to be exploited, I’m tired of the SAME thing with blizzard every patch. I do “play what I like” but I’m tired of how blizzard handles this every single patch. That’s it. They need more time? Take it. I’d rather have a complete game, than half-assed patch hurricanes.
This is what happens when you have try hard nerds that spend all day working on sims and doing math that actually ends up harming their class, because they tell everyone their spec is actually INSANE currently which then leads to the devs which read what those tryhards are saying slamming the hammer down every 0.1 seconds and then by the time the class is nerfed so much it needs help, blizzard doesn’t care about class tuning anymore. You know what happens when you dont have these nerds? Blizzard tends to not touch these classes, look at destro which had a bug which granted 300k unveiled recently which apparently a ton of warlocks used behind closed doors.
It was. He’s still salty his paid carrys were called out
There will never be 110% exact balance with the amount of classes/specs and now hero talents.
They do a pretty good job, this last tiers balance was extremely close, and this 1 is also looking extremely close after these changes.
Also…these changes are in before the season starts tomorrow…so they did what you’re asking for.
They do not buff or nerf based on the community APL, this meme really needs to die.
It’s currently
.3% ST and 1% 6T aoe.
I disagree. I think they they do not, in fact, do a pretty good job. I think, and I believe I said that, they’re doing a pretty bad job overall. These changes should have been tested with the ptr. That’s how far behind they are, apparently. That is exactly what I mean when I say if they need more time, I would rather they take it than push the patch. Go through the data, push the changes with the ptr so that we can get a complete patch instead of a patchwork of patches when the thing goes live. You act like I’m asking for the world, but I’m asking for them to do better and that’s all. The game is buggy as hell, they can’t seem to address a code fix without blowing something else up – acting like they aren’t doing this isn’t going to fix anything imho, so that’s where I am. You’re happy? Super. I am not.
This is the kind of thing I expect to hear out of somebody trying to cope with a gray parse while trying to talk down to others like they’re good at the game.
The real sad part is you repeating the purchased keys thing, which is hilariously dumb and obviously not true. You’re telling on yourself by trying to project your hurt feelings though. I just think it’s fun saying one sentence then watching you embarrass yourself. It’s low hanging fruit, but entertaining nonetheless.