Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

Petkos list is garbage for healers. Jak is the one to listen to for healing tier lists.

Never did I quote them as scripture. This whole conversation is about his inability to admit he was wrong when he said low b is average. Tier lists are stupid and opinion based and mean nothing. If you could read well enough to understand each comment I’ve made in this thread then you’d have been able to easily decipher that without me having to explain it to you. This comment is so flawed you’re making it seem like you’re Snozay posting on an alt.

Oh lord, people are arguing over tier lists by streamers who have literally no reason to not cause controversy to get views.


They’re all opinion based, but some people have a hate chubby for them because those people fail to realize it’s just people using an arbitrary scale to rate classes relative to one another. Every person that says “tier lists are useless” is just exposing him/herself as being able to understand that. Now if one were to say “comparing classes is stupid” then that certainly would be one of the opinions of our time. But that’s all tier lists are and so many people are completely unable to comprehend that so they just pretend they hold no value. It’s crazy.

They are great for having a fun discussion about how the classes stack up next to one another. Obviously each is to be taken with a grain of salt though.

You generally look at someone who does what you are looking for yea.

Dorki or yoda for tanks
Jak or Growl for healers
Really don’t know a good overall dps tier list, petko is ok, but you can’t play every single dps to greatness, however he does well enough on them

a lot of it is observations of people they play with too

opinions yes, but, some are more valid than others.

my opinion on healers balance means nothing, but jak’s or growls definitely does

(post deleted by author)

Tinfoil hat theory?

Blizzard’s literally been blatantly and openly catering to the top 0.1% of players for as long as I can remember.

Yeah let’s nerf Demo Lock and Ret Pally cause how dare they muster up some semblance of good DPS compared to Fire Mage who somehow evaded nerfs despite being the most OP DPS on the PTR.

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All that typing just to show you have no clue.

Keep basing everything on tier lists :+1:

That’s literally my point. Tier lists are worthless.

Mr mage over here is living and breathing by them.

You haven’t shown me up at all.

You completely missed the point that tier lists aren’t credible

Like I said I really hope your mage isn’t your main.

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Not really, if you look at the correct ones

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No, this whole conversation is actually about you coping about classes being the reason you struggle to get groups and content. I’m sorry to say it’s you not the evil meta specs. Do you know why in these usually outdated or downright wrong tier lists they don’t place classes below C usually? Because everything in this game is good enough to clear all the content that provides rewards.

Nice to know vs other hunters specs, but does it match up against rest of DPS specs in the game? For example are the top5 DPS specs 300k ahead of BM, then kinda silly to nuke it by 5% Monday

Do like that they went after tier set, that is where they should have started

I don’t know how many times I have to state how little value I think tier lists hold before you’ll understand it. The whole conversation was about your inability to understand what the phrase above average means, but you can’t even understand that. Impressive.

This is kind of true. You embarrass yourself and don’t really need the help of anybody else.

Nope, the credibility of tier lists isn’t what this argument was about even a little bit. The argument was about whether “low b” is above average. This is your next pathetic attempt at moving the goalposts after you make yourself look like a fool. Also, lol @ making fun of a toon I played for a week before swapping to it for the Undermine patch. Bless your heart, you’re hitting all of the pathetic stereotypes of a clueless neckbeard gamer.

Fire mage was unplayably bad for half of season 1

brewmaster is not a warrior

What are you talking about? Jesus Christ that was completely out of left field lmao. I don’t struggle to get groups on any of my classes. Good job making yourself look like a complete idiot and telling everybody you can’t even read.

I will say it’s fitting you’ve decided to strap your horse to Snozay, as you’re equally arrogant and clueless.

I uhh don’t believe you sorry to say man.

Still worthless.

That’s great. I promise absolutely nobody cares whether you believe them. But bless your heart for trying to turn this into an “I can’t find groups” comment thread for some reason.

I also don’t believe that you don’t care Lol. I’m sorry you are struggling though! Maybe spend some time looking into how to play your class, just some friendly advice.