Me explaining what utility you have does though.
Keep making excuses. You’re def coming off as a low io player which is why you post on an alt.
Me explaining what utility you have does though.
Keep making excuses. You’re def coming off as a low io player which is why you post on an alt.
Thanks Kaivax!
Incoming Assassination meta! Ride the wave!
Let me simplify this so even you understand.
Most tier lists have
Which means S A and B are the top half of the list which means they are above the average.
C D and F are below average.
So no I’m not the one that misspoke.
You’re completely out of touch
WoW class and spec tier lists are absolute bogus clickbait. Stop even looking at them please lol.
Buff holy paladin.
This constant changes gives us some anxiety…
Warrior utility is no reason to take a warrior, which is why nearly ever class has a spec rated over them. Why take a warrior when a shaman is better for a melee spot? Better utility, better damage.
I gave them to you.
Physical damage comp.
Low io players always have the awful takes.
I love the confidence with which you say this when you possess the understanding of a toddler.
First of all, most tier lists have D or F, not both. Many stop at C or have a D and F with 0-2 specs combined (with one of them being empty, making it functionally non-existent), ffs. Secondly, if there are 30 dps specs and 15 of them are in A, A+, or S, then it doesn’t matter if you give the 16th spec a B, C, D, F, or Z. It’s statistically not above average. My god the fact you’re so thick you can’t even understand this but think you should be speaking condescendingly to others speaks volumes about your social ineptitude. You may a well get Dunning-Kruger tattooed on your forehead.
There’s also nothing “out of touch” about comparing you to another argumentative, mouthy, stubborn, arrogant, and petulant toddler.
You’re simply wrong and anybody can clearly see you’re wrong by Googling “WoW DPS tier list” and looking for themselves to see whether “low b” is above average. You could too if you wanted to educate yourself. But nah, you’d rather sit here embarrassing yourself by bloviating about things you obviously don’t understand and pretending everybody else is stupid when really it’s you. You think the letter determines what is average rather than the ranking of a spec relative to other specs. By your terrible logic (hate even calling it logic), there are 26 letters in the alphabet so even F is pretty good!
You’re not going to take that many melee this season, the dungeons suck for melee, two of three top healers are melee, likely going to be just one melee dps, and hunter isn’t common in keys.
If you have a group you can play with you can play whatever you want, or your group wants. Warrior is going to struggle to pug though
In not the one that can’t understand basic percentages.
The tier lists don’t really matter. But the ones done by people that have any credibility have always had S-F
Anyone that takes a random tier list as law it’s absurdly bad at the game. I’m not wrong. I’m sorry you don’t understand how your utility works or that you blame it.
It’s not common because Hunter and warrior aren’t typically meta.
Are you one of those people that blame meta for why you’re low io?
So make some friends.
I have a set group lol, and i don’t play warrior, i’m healing this season
Lol this whole comment is laughably dumb. You think the letter is what makes a spec above average rather than where it ranks relative to other specs, yet you think I’m the one that can’t understand percentages?
Also, “any random tier list” isn’t trustworthy but the ones you arbitrarily deem credible all have S-F. Please show me 3 dps tier lists that you have deemed credible where low b is above average. Good luck, you’re going to need it. But I’m sure you won’t be able to find them so you’ll come up with some other comment to pretend your ignorance magically makes you right.
You are such a clown it’s unreal. It’s genuinely remarkable to find somebody that thinks he’s a genius while having opinions that are as consistently stupid as yours.
Good on you. Healing is a different breed.
You are the one that can’t understand percentages.
You’re the one living and dying on a tier list.
Sims > tier lists.
I don’t find any of them credible. However the ones from players like max or other legitimate high end players have more credibility than say asmongold.
Never claimed to be a genius. However it’s prettt hilarious you can’t even figure out warrior utility and then base everything on tier lists
I hope your mage isn’t your main.
Max’s tier list is only good if you mythic raid AND do mythic+, one content type can really screw with the other.
For example, Holy priest is looking really good in raid… but really bad in m+ so it settled at like an a or b
For M+ i usually look at ones by petko, dorki, growl, or the like
Blizzard just hates frost death knights. They’ve completely ruined the game for anyone who mains frost dk. This new pvp talent is garbage, and whoever decided to remove our stun for this rp walk nonsense should be fired.
Says the one holding random tier lists on the internet as scripture lol. Insane lack of awareness here.
They’re not random, at least if you look at the proper people