0/10 attempt, but thanks for basically telling me the stuff you’re going to say is so shockingly stupid that I should just add you to ignore and go back to my world of an hour ago where you don’t exist at all.
Thank you for admitting I am correct!
believe what you want then
I’m going too.
Looks like his mage is getting boosted to tens lol
His main is 2612 from season one lol
As an enhancement shaman rofl
Deleted post? Man, at least keep what your posting up if you’re that cool and smart
ya i glanced at achieves. just got carried to 2500 last month of the season. many such cases
Def looks like he bought it as all of his runs on shaman have been deleted.
I personally never go over KSM, there’s zero point to, no more rewards past that til now
We’ll hit 3k this season and stop instead
just to say, scores don’t mean much
Enhancement shaman buying 2500 and hiding his runs on raider io is super cringe.
No wonder he lives and dies by the tier lists lol
That explains so much rofl
Also note he swapped from enh to fire mage…I wonder what he’s making these swaps because of
what, because people don’t just push to push? give me a reward and i’ll do it, no point in going above rewards
you get past 2500 by doing 10s easily. which you do for myth track vaults, wdym no rewards?
gear is easily replaced, we go for the mounts then call it a season
For sure. I only saw what the clown said because you quoted him, but I even explained that I did all 10s and stopped because I came back to the game a few weeks ago and there’s 0 reason to push IO right before a new season comes out. It took a whole 2 weeks to get to 2.6, how truly difficult.
However, Special Snozay fails to understand something very basic yet again. It’s a trend.
Because once I played all 10s there was no reason to continue on my shaman. Also, Fire Mage is my favorite spec of all time to play when it’s good, and it’s going to be very good in season 2. The clowns are out in full force offering their stupid opinions left and right in this thread. I find myself saying this often lately, but it’s impressive how dumb the WoW player base proves themselves to be on these forums every single day.
All the people that can’t understand very basic stuff are glazing each other all over the place. How cute.
You admitted what I said, just in a nicer way for you. You just so happen to love all these meta specs. It’s ok to admit you just want to play meta no shame in that.
It’s very easy to see you are very silly. Sorry I guess?
lol those tier lists.
Doesn’t matter if he plays meta when he has to get carried lol
No no he clearly just LOVES fire mage. So much so that it’s hard to find any real significant progress.
Most people who enjoy mplus as a primary game mode push way passed rewards.
So you play for like two weeks?