Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

Thing is there is zero reason to take one to your key over nearly any class other than a dh

Low B is the definition of mediocre. What are you talking about? Generally the mean is somewhere in A or B. There are never so many useless classes that the point of mediocrity is worse than low B.

increased in PVP
decreased in PVE so for raiders and mythic dungeon people its a 15% nerf to execute

Already listed them.

I see why you hide your warrior.

I’m not taking the word of a random warrior that says warriors don’t have utility.

Even then low B is above average c and d are below average.

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I play a dh, were not meta usually but we’re fine all the same. the player matters more than the comp for the overwhelming majority of key levels.

My overall point when I stated that certain classes who have less utility should have more throughput to give more options to the player base. I’d like options to choose between a class with more utility/less damage vs less utility more damage. This gives options to group types and would hopefully add some variety.

Now I know all your posts are about BrM and we know BrM has not had much love at all recently, but this would include them getting buffs/tuning needed to be an option at whatever level people want to play it at, and not just have the same “Meta” over and over where it makes getting into groups annoying.

“Start your own group and you don’t have that problem” the common answer, but in my opinion is not the right answer for every situation.

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They have less utility than nearly any other class

Problem is, if you’re not playing with a group of people who know you, you can’t bet on the player. Many (maybe even most) people pug, so these discrepancies really hurt them

You ignoring and not using your utility doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

so tanks are still gonna feel like they are getting it by a truck?
correct me if im wrong.?

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Only Brewmaster at this point.

Poor Shamans, can’t even have a brief moment at the top

so which one is it. if youre saying the tier nerf is 5% and the aura buff is 5.5% isnt that only a 0.5% gain at most?

You mean other than all of season 1?

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You ignoring how much utility other classes have doesn’t make your point.

No bres, no lust, no shields for others, no heals for others, other classes can provide everything they have with better utility elsewhere.


Let their reign continue.

That’s fine if you don’t want to take this word for it, but there’s not a single tier list for WoW dps classes I’ve ever seen where B is above average. You’re just talking out of your rear and refuse to accept you misspoke, as usual.

If we were talking about a hurricane I’d expect to see you drawing a sharpie outline around Alabama right about now.

It’s really hard to overlook the stark contrast in treatment between classes here. Other classes are getting tangible buffs—like Demon Hunters seeing a 25% increased activation chance on their winning streak and Mages getting notable boosts to Arcane Missiles and Barrage—while our Warriors, particularly Fury, are taking a heavy hit. Their damage is being reduced across key abilities (Rampage and Bladestorm both down 15% in PvP, and even Arms suffers with Execute damage being cut by 15% overall).

This isn’t just about numbers on paper; it means that while many S+ and S classes are stepping up, the Warrior, once an A-class performer, is slipping to B or even C status. It’s frustrating to contend with these changes when many players still don’t grasp the distinct differences between dungeon gear and PvP gear. To make matters worse, with Alliance dominating our server and the removal of Timewalker dungeons—which made leveling a secondary class a viable option—it feels like Blizzard has cornered us into a very unbalanced situation.

After six fantastic months, these adjustments have left me questioning the long-term commitment to the game. I really hope Blizzard reconsiders this approach, because the current state of affairs is not just a nerf on Warriors—it’s a blow to the balance and enjoyment of the game as a whole.


  • Rampage damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
  • Bladestorm damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
  • Arcane Missiles damage increased by 12% in PvP combat.
  • Arcane Barrage damage increased by 12% in PvP combat.
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The Highmountain Tauren warrior battle roar is absolutely ear-shredding – that high-pitched noise really distorts the audio, and it’s just awful.

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