Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

Beat them after they’re down. THis is just Like Season 1, BM epic garbage in arena until week 16 rolls around. Melee doing 5-8 mil dps on finishing moves, starting at 80%, Healers walking untouched as long as they can keep an exploit up, RDPS acting as ladder progression cushions until week 12-16, bugs still unaddressed since Beta… So glad I quit this game and have 16 days left, be back in week 16 for a month to play rdps. You people do this every season.

im happy for change up for sure, I just think aug was exposing how horrendous blizz dps balancing is in keys and it wasnt that absurd of a spec (outside of season 2 DF, it was just broken then)

its more the idea behind why the spec sucks that is worrying. instead of doing a complete re work, for which they have had ample time to do they basically just nuked it and said great job team we are so good at balancing the game.

They can’t balance tanks… them balancing dps is a wish and a prayer.

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psure hunters or mages alone have gotten more patch notes than all tanks combined the entire xpac


/scrolls down to Shaman changes
/sits in a corner


LOL considering BM is looking strong and its an overall buff thats not requiring tier gear.

Dude, arcane mages have gotten more patch notes than damn near any spec this xpac in JUST this patch… which is ironic since people don’t seem to think it turned out well.

I mean considering its the first time playing both so I am starting from a place of not having played either specs in years so the “skill issue” is equal on both. From that perspective and disc was lower ilvl Disc was easier to solo an 11 delve with tank bran. If they were equal then its safe to say they wont be after this.
the 4% is eh the 30% on a set no ones gotten yet is really what I find a bit odd. But ey MW is fun and it will be my first healing in the last 2 expansions again so I will just keep practicing all the same

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VW for m+ oracle for raid, probably still

yeah like why is MW being hard focused when disc is still miles above everyone and not getting touched

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That explains it honestly, mw has a higher skill floor than disc

Disc isn’t really miles ahead anymore, after the massive vw nerfs

the mw is struggling in delves because for some reason brann tank doesn’t take ancient teachings healing. That’s what i noticed when I was doing it anyway. I could only heal him by hard casting heals.

No mention of the absolutely terrible Primordial Wave change

Disc is still ‘S’ tier and it seems rdruid might join them there. MW went from ‘A’ to ‘B’ because!?? Shammy is still solid ‘A’.

So if you wanted to M+, it’s time to pack the MW away. Course knowing Blizz in 3 weeks they’ll nerf druid into the ground, and buff pres into ‘S’ or something equally stupid.

But one thing Blizz has made abundantly clear, they do not want people playing monks.

Monk had the second highest healing output next to Druid, and probably the highest damage, something was going to give.

Why they aren’t rated higher for m+ is purely a utility standpoint, no bres, no lust, useless group buff

Which means, they should buff the Monks healing throughput to be higher so players have a choice of a more utility focused healer or a throughput focused healer.

Same should be done for warriors, they don’t bring a lot of utility, so why isn’t their damage higher than the classes that do?

The company can’t balance or come up with reasons for any of their tuning which is why they won’t explain why changes were made and just throw stuff at a wall.

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And why is that a problem? All monk bring to the table IS HPS. MW have always solved the problem of lack of utility with raw HPS, and even that starts to wane in higher keys when damage starts to out scale HP bars.

And they are only the highest DPS if they spec for it. Going a conduit build you’re neck and neck with resto and disc. Only very specific harmony builds, which sacrifice HPS, can do the high dps numbers.

Sure, but if they don’t have utility, and don’t have HPS, then why would people take them? Why take an ‘A’ spec and drop it to a ‘B’ when you already have two specs better (disc/resto) and 1 on par (shammy)?

They have a tank and healer shortage and they’re busy nerfing tank and healing specs into the ground!?? What’s the point here? To ensure no one plays M+ that isn’t in a pre-made? That dps stands around Dornogal bored playing the ‘refresh LFG’ game?

I wanted to play brew/mist this season, I managed to hit 3196io (prior to the nerf) purely pugging it… and it looks like I’ll be doing neither this season.
