Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

I think you missed half your reply. But if you would like to tell me what utility Warriors bring compared to their counter parts. Please enlighten me :slight_smile:

As long as priest has pi and shadow is low for m+ you can’t compete with disc, no amount of healing will

Battle shout
Aoe stun
Single stun
Victory rush

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Battle shout is useless, and there’s a lot of classes that bring stuns.

Unfortunately warriors are in a bad place

No it’s not.

Not many that bring an aoe and single

They really aren’t. They aren’t meta but they aren’t terrible.

That is very interesting. That sounds like a bug to report.

Arcane was really fun in TWW beta and then Blizzard keeps changing it making it less fun every time.

Sometimes they need to just stop redesigning things for the sake of redesigning them.


I decided to get ?? Before the patch and he did less than nothing no matter his loadout for me.

I swapped him to healer because at least he’d at least toss potions when he woke up before immediately dying again.

But in another thread someone said he was working fine for them, so it could be localized bug.

But on topic, DotC is my favorite thematic hero spec. Please buff.

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Realistically only your tank and the warrior himself are using it

I hope for you for the 11.1.5 patch.

Why are we nerfing classes based off PRE SEASON data lmao.


New here huh?

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Or the enhance shaman or the hunter.

Clearly have never done a physical damage based group.

Does the team know that the pets can randomly die in one AoE burst? For example City of Threads the last bosses stomp will take out my 2 min CD Felguard or take out my permanent Felguard. Sometimes my doggies and once it took out all my imps.

My damage plunges when it takes out either of my pets. Even Demonic Tyrant is not immune to this issue. These issues need to be fixed. I can’t play my class because I depend on the community for M+.

 my poor brewmaster.


that and he just keeps drifting away or when he gets knocked into poison pools in the goblin delve he just stays in there

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While I agree they are not in a bad state, the point was they are not bringing things like Battle Res (DK), they do not have a way to shield their allies (BOP), they don’t have a blood lust like Shaman. I mean they are not bad, but since they are not providing the same level of utility, they should be given an increase in damage. I am not talking like “Warriors should be OP or give us Battle Res/Blood Lust” but I think their damage AoE/ST should be above the others.

TLDR: If you have a class with good utility + good damage, would you choose to bring a warrior over that? Most people probably not, but if you gave the lower utility classes an increase in their area (damage/healing/ect
) then you can choose more utility vs more throughput.

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Hunter damage is still really good. I’m not worried about that. It’s just a meaningless bonus though at that point. I’d rather if it just flat buffed barbed shot or something. And not just be a chance to proc. But I’ll see how often it actually does proc.

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Because they barely exist.

Sure if you tailor the group to it it’s fine, but you literally have to build the group around the warrior

There are plenty of skips I could mention using a Lock gate.

There are ABSOLUTELY reasons to bring a Warlock, and you can try and talk down the importance of a HS, but since the rest of your arguments aren’t very good, I don’t see the point.

edit: You’re not even going to talk about SS? lol unreal

Nerfs ahoy!

  • Paladin
    No no not you, it’s OK, shh
 there there
 didn’t mean to scare you sweet baby
 it’s OK