Blizz, do you understand how angry you are making people? Warlocks were finally feeling good for once in DF and now this…
You do know that nerfing Grim Sac, we will still use it over pet, right? It’s still better damage.
Side note: If you want Warlocks to be a pet fantasy class maybe allow us to enslave other demon rather than just the same ol same ol we had since Vanilla?
You’ve made a salty and frustrated player who’s been a loyal fan.
It’s hilarious how they keep nerfing Survival - the squishiest melee spec in the game and the least played spec in the game.
mages are utter trash now. how am i supposed to carry games at 1k cr if i dont do any damage and my team doesnt know their rotations?
Blizz giveth and Blizz taketh away…
Thanks for those importank mage changes, people been asking for them for years now.
Ur tellin me you nerfed survival even more
Clearly you guys don’t know how to balance Warlocks. But hey let just nerf locks and ignored bug feedback.
Honestly Blizz, this is one of, if not the main reason I quit this game 10 years go. The constant moving of goal posts, sometimes on a daily basis. Having to ‘constantly’ change goals and direction, often not even being able to reach the damn goal before you change it. In just the last 60 days, how many changes have Hunters seen? Remove double tap, remove the bow, buff us to compensate, oops not for PvP, buff us again, crap too much, nerf less than a week later. Change talents around, oops, put 'em back a month later. Like, you do employ people who test this stuff, right? You do have some idea what these changes look like before they go live, right?
Here’s a free idea for ya Blizz, how about you take a few weeks off, and let us all play the damn game we have before you change it.
Not one post here is is in support or even understanding why some of these changes are being made. Its baffling to see a post saying “due to overwhelming feedback the ret change are going live today” and ignore almost 500 posts explaining why the nerfs make little to no sense as they are listed here.
I implore you to actually look at the feedback in this thread, throughout the class discords, and from the voices in the community saying several of these are just utter nonsense.
Now tell that to me.
Guess you can’t smell your own stink with your nose so high in the air.
They were off to such a decent start with this expansion they had to go and ruin the fun people were having with this game. Start of the expansion I feel like a lot of people had a similar sentiment. Just like now, most people are not in favor of the constant changes to classes during a single tier/cycle. They are missing the mark, and its not a hard target.
I would suggest we also start sharing feedback with Blizzard CS on Twitter. Let the world see this awful customer experience. I found a Blizzard contact number we can try, as well. 1 (310) 255 2000 (USA) 1(877) 566-3886
The continued silence on topic is something everyone needs to consider when deciding to purchase any actiblizz game in the future. I would hold off on D4 and such, as I doubt this will be limited to WoW only.
What about additional RING tuning? Still looking for those secondary stats!
Survival hunters: Doing terrible in performance
Devs: Nerf surv hunter!!!
The basement is full of bears.
Do I need PHD in mathematics to support the fact that 1 + 1 = 2 ?
Surv hunters actually can perform amazing. They just having a higher learning curve then some classes.
All DPS rankings have it at the bottom D/F tier as the very last DPS ranking. That says a lot.
DPS Rankings are a joke. They are based on averages and unless you que them up yourself. They are often just showing Mythic Raiding. Which majority of players do not do.
Ohh look… Yea clearly the Surv hunters on the bottom of the graph… Well if you turn it upside down anyway…
warcraftlogs com/zone/statistics/31/#difficulty=4
It always amazes me how Blizzard can go an entire PTR testing cycle and still get numbers off where they end up buffing / nerfing spells by large numbers.
Yet off the back off buffing an item by obscure numbers they’re ready to tweak a single spell by -10%.
You’re just shooting while blind here Blizzard. What’s the point?