Class Tuning Incoming -- March 28

It is already hard to get into a group as a hunter of any class, due to squishiness. Especially, if you weren’t already 2000+ early in the season. I don’t have a guild to carry me through keys, and MUST rely on PUGs. Many nights I have sat with my +17 key for over an hours without applicants. Likewise, sat in other queue waiting for a spot for hours.

IT DOES AFFECT ME, as it affects my ability to get into groups without having to apply to 300+ and waiting 30-90 mins to MAYBE get into one that doesn’t included leavers.

Anyways, continue to pat yourself on the back you beast. You are the best!


Ret rerollers actually crying are so funny. I feel bad for the long time rets, but not the ones who tried to bandwagon and didn’t quite get 70 before getting smacked down with the nerf lol

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Sounds like a personal problem

You da man! Can you teach some of us to reach your level of amazing? That would be so cool!

What ? It does affect everyone on their respective level of content they’re clearing, wth does this type of comment has anything to do?


I mean, how hard it is for you guys to actually play the freaking game yourself. Like hardly once a time per day?

I felt like I am taking crazy pills while reading through the nerfs


You can tell what happens at Blizzard when a class no developer actually plays suddenly starts doing well.

Meanwhile, Warriors, Hunters and Rogues will stay broken and overpowered in PvP for an entire expansion.

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They’re OP in pvp and got a pvp only nerf. They are still OP.


It doesn’t. They’re just a narcissistic jerk trying to getting attention thrown their way.

It matters at all levels.

Perception of a class being weak has a major effect on being admitted into content of any type. Raids, M+, BGs, etc. People want to compose their groups to succeed. So a class’s reputation/perception will almost always be considered before their actual ability. This doesn’t start at Sir Holiness’s +20, but much lower keys, as well.

People will always pick the higher META classes before a Survival Hunter in M+, even in lower keys. Does it make a HUGE different, usually not. But we still get penalized for being the class/spec we are, without our ability even able to be showcased.


When the captain is terrible and hires worse sailors, the ship will surely sink.


The nerfs to Darkglare should be removed


Dude just stop embarrassing you self. Paladin that was boosting you is already banned btw. LUL


Looking at the changes all I think to myself is:

"Great…blizz gave Ragemode more crap to complain about. Guarantee he will be making an angry post of hunters being ruined while locks blah blah. "
Dispite him “quitting over now not in vault weeks ago lol”

It is honestly a little sad that you are balancing the spec around the small percentage of players that have a very rare drop mythic item.


Priceless!! LOL

R.I.P. Hunters. I’m done.


fix us pls

First the bow nerf, then buffing us to compensate, and now nerfing for no explanation. Jesus, make up your minds Blizz.


Says the face roll DH class that in RSS had yall sitting pretty at 2.5-3k rating way faster then anyone beginning of expac an they barely managed to adjust yall properly before ret changes.
Bias is showing bud if its ok for yall to get free climbs every expac then its fine for the ret players to get a free win after being a dumpster fire for nearly a decade.
I only wish shaman specs got the buffs ret did.

Always the DHs rogues an DKs complaining when someone steps into their precious tier an blasts them do they get upset.

If the options can’t be balanced equally don’t give the option at all. Warlocks were being played before this Grimoire of Sacrifice was even a thing.

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