Class Tuning Incoming -- March 28

The silence from Blizzard is appauling. We are paying monthly service fees on top of buying the licence to use to the content, and the silence is screaming.

WE JUST WANT TO UNDERSTAND THESE NERFS?! The thread has been read now by over 18K, with over 1000 likes on the 400+ looking for some sort of explanation, as is, it makes no sence.

New patch bugs, etc. have caused skewed data, but once fixed, the #s wont be anywhere near.

Imagine forking out $$$ to D4 in advance with this fiasco and awful customer service. No chance. The trust of the Blizzard dev team and their ability to produce quality products and world class service, and continue to maintain it, as you’d expect from a company like ActiBlizz, has been completely washed away.

I’m actually hoping MS buys this company and cleans house. Love the game, incompetence is ruining it from almost every angle.

Class balance is a crap shoot, patch bugs, on-going bugs from PREVIOUS Expansions still present. Significant pieces of content being released with poor testing. THIS IS A BAD EXPERIENCE and not one that entices player population growth, as it simply isn’t enjoyable.

I likely will still play WoW as I got a 12 mos sub for xmas, but lesson learned, never again…


Should we start flooding Twittter? Customer Servcie? Live Chat?

What does it take to get a simple explanation on the rationale and thought behind major changes to some people’s character they’ve invested much time and effort into making them the best they can, only to have it thrown in their face, with vague at best explanation why? While it’s ‘only a game’, it is still devasting to see something you’ve worked so hard on be mangled for reasons you cannot comprehend, and the service provider not only unwilling to help you understand, but completely disrespectfully ghost hundreds of their customer without blinking.

Is there CX Support #s we can start calling to get help understanding the product we are paying for?

Not asking for a reversal, just a full explain on why? and the data used to come to the decision. Maybe if we knew the full-picture, then the issue would cease to be an issue?


I’m just curious why they need to make ANY major changes this late in a season. It was screwy enough to drop the annulet this late, but adding this stuff is just baffling. I wonder what it’s like to spend so much time on a game & still be so completely clueless about the player experience.


Why nerf Afflock on pvp as well??? I don’t get it. Why pvp player has to be affected by the pve tuning? Don’t you know aff lock has been bad in pvp since DF?


Knock knock overwhelming feedback needs to talk to you about these nonsensical tuning changes.


This isn’t the worst part; it’s that Blizzard learned nothing from the Soulkeeper debacle.

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Yeah they seem incapable of balancing lock abilities without breaking them.

Honestly at this point I’d rather go back to a more simple design from 12 years ago if it meant we got balanced properly.


Well, they’ll be in the office today so hopefully we get something.

Not expecting much though.


This might aswell be included under the warlock class description on the create a character screen.


Blizzard cares about the top 2% of the playerbase only, letting the rest of us just play along by their way only.

Seriously, like how many times a hunter with any version of raz bow doing M+ 8 - 16’s even complained about their damage? or someone else in that range even cared? Heck I got mine just 1 week prior the nerf and I never even felt left behind, it was something to pursue and thrive to get for me.

Same goes for Normal / Heroic raids I attended.

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You’re 7/8 heroics and 1780 io score. Why do you even care? You don’t push any hard content so these nerfs do nothing to you

When a nerf hits a class/spec, logically you should think “this class was overperforming and the nerf makes it ok” so the class is still good to pick in LFG.
But most of the time, ppl tends to think “this class is now bad don’t pick it in lfg”.

You are right, for most the diff in damage is somehow low but it’s hurting the perception of the class as a whole, especially when we already are mid/low tier (for hunter, big emphasis on SV)
And it’s not even justified by a dev notes or numbers, we weren’t overperforming anywhere (maybe as jack of all trade, like we aren’t bad anywhere ?)

Still the same metasheep/community/lfg issues…

I must have missed where it said the nerfs only affected those with an io over XXXX and CE.

Wait, it doesn’t. It affects us all. As class and spec is highly considered for acceptance into a group for 16+ runs. Trying to push above 16s has been a pain, as most already know the entire class is squishy, now remove sime DPS from them, as well, in sure that will help them get accepted…

My IO isnt 3k, but it isnt trash either. So take your elitist comments/trolling, pat yourself in the back, knowing you almost looked cool. Fish swim, birds fly…


Nothing that wasn’t expected, typical of a team that doesn’t play wow and doesn’t understand what they’re doing, look what they did to the hunter they broke the class because of 1 very rare item from the last boss of the raid, if the problem was the bow nerfs the item and not the class, 4 months ago they could have solved it but the blizzard geniuses prefer to mess with everything but the problem.


You’re still crying 3 days later while our class is still perfectly fine.

Didnt know my MM is OP right now with a pet out.


You are correct, your holiness! We are still the same and fine, outside of squishiness. However, while your IO might be 2700+, your reading skill is suffering. The changes aren’t in affect until Tuesday’s reset. Very thoughtful addition to the thread, thought. Give yourself a bonus +25 on your IO for that.


The class is going to be fine after reset as well. Shouldn’t effect you at all since you just do 16/17 keys so you’ll be good to go pal

I like how theres pretty much no data to support the demo nerf making even a little bit of sense.

Were they based off the now fixed bugs that are on ptr? Because if not, I got nothing. At least aff did well in raid.


God forbid Ret be slightly relevant for more than a week. Stop buffing classes if you guys are just going to nerf them into the ground.