Class Tuning Incoming -- March 28

Why can’t we flag blue posts for trolling


It’s called data and facts

Just that you can’t accept it

Warlocks were doing crazy numbers after 10.07 and logs showed : nerf was justified

The bugs were live for 2 days, fixed for about a day, and then came back for a day. Some people were bugged for hours while others weren’t. The bugs still exist on PTR. There was no meaningful data on how locks were parsing post 10.0.7 before these nerfs were announced.


Having the easiest rotation to topping ST damage charts isn’t good design. They should be inversely proportionate.

Imagine still ignoring mages 3 months into the xpac…

Can we seriously take another look at orc racial being reworked for pvp. It seems like such bad design to any player whether they’re a new player or 20x R1 to have every class change their entire pvp rotation and globals that now don’t align, solely due to fighting an orc. 5% or 10% reduced damage taken in stuns would be much better. The already hefty nerfs on cc get even more so when any potential chain cc now loses 1 global per cc chain to get abilities off. Especially with the crit nerf. The ability to play any double dps or specifically setup based classes get legitimately gutted. With the struggle to get healers it would be nice to at least have something somewhat viable to play arenas with that do not include healers or a 30 min queue. The art of cc is wow pvp. offensively, defensively, every aspect revolves around cc no matter what class or comp you play. A newer player can’t even get to the point to understand the game design in its entirety the more that cc’s and specifically stuns for kill pressure get nerfed. Please look in to orc. Trying to balance the game around an orc 10% stun reduction is extremely difficult as well. Please look in to orc. I think it would be a welcomed change for all ratings from 0-3000. It provides a much easier rotation for players both offensively and defensively and the game can get balanced properly for amount of dps in stun windows instead of the randomness of night elf vs. orc.

I swear we hunters are the :clown_face: of this game, like wth ? lol

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So this article has been live for over 48 hours, with more then 14.3K views at the time of posting, with over 340 comments. The majority of the comments being confused about the nerfs, upset, and factual data on how the nerfs and data used to justify is skewed. Even the trolls are eerily quiet on opposing the senselessness of these nerfs. THAT SPEAK VOLUMES!

As I scroll thru, NOT ONE COMMENT from Blizz attempting to help thier paying customers understand these nerfs, data used, etc. (Aside from the RET changes going thru ASAP).

A huge slap in the face and very smug and disrespectful to the clientbase as a whole.

Old Blizz shining on through once again, eff the customers.


4%??? Bro… Marks isnt even in the top 3 on ANY mythic boss and they are getting thisd massive of a nerf? on some bosses they are literally bottom 50%. Why does blizzard hate hunter so much. meanwhile the actual top 3 specs in the game in both single target and aoe are getting less nerf. Frost DK is 2nd on terros and top on council… meanwhile you nerf a spec (marks) by 4%! when its single target damage is already bottom 50%… you are gonna essentially kill marks for any single target situation in raid and make 2hr que in keys even worse or impossible because people already dont invite hunters to begin with… Look at your numbers harder… this is actually ridiculous. If you are balancing around the ring. noone likes the ring… playing a class and trying to find a dps balance around a single target flat dmg proc sucks a big one… just makes everybodys class play/feel worse.

If you want to balance marks better because you dont like they are like a little better than AVERAGE in aoe… fix trickshots… or explosive shot. like 5% on either of those is a better change than 4% across the board… again, literally thoughtless/dataless nerf (go check the statistics on warcraftlogs). Dont put this through on tuesday.

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Blizzard, check warcraftlogs… marks is already like bottom 50% on a lot of single target focused bosses… and not even top 3-4 on anything… this is a thoughtless nerf;biggest nerf to any spec on tuesday to a class that is now gonna be bottom 20% on a ton of bosses… actually insane.


Check marks hunter… biggest nerf of the bunch and the same 95th on any individual boss dataset has marks in the bottom 50% on some of the fights. make this a 1% nerf or nerf trickshot%… or explosive shot 5% nerf… something else besides killing the spec

What you guys have been doing with Beast Mastery since the beginning of Shadowlands is Lamentable.
Despite the huge feedback you completely DO NOTHING with our AoE damage. I have the impression that you are not testing our specialization at all (HALO WE EXIST). First you introduce a bow on which you make our damage dependent to a SIGNIFICANT degree. After a few months, you conclude that this is not really what you had in mind and you change the bow’s effect, giving compensation in the form of buffs. What do you want to do a week after introducing the compensation? TAKE IT AWAY. Do you guys even think there?
I agree that BM is one of the top ST dps, while our AoE dmg totally sucks. How are we supposed to progress in other content than raid? You have made changes to the loot table when it comes to weekly rewards from GV for m+. This has significantly affected progress. BM hunters who didn’t have premade groups in a composition that supported strong AoE damage (like ench sham or DH at the beginning of the season) were left in the behind. While most specializations were free to pursue their progress, we BM hunters remained several levels below them, and each week the gap grew tighter. Why? Because no one wants to take BM hunter in grp finder on M+. This is the 5th season in a row in which I have to face the hatred of other players, who point out my specialization, kick me out of groups. Why? Because BM hunter is a total trash in M+. For 5 seasons you have done absolutely NOTHING to improve our situation. This specialization needs changes. Our defensive capabilities are totally hopeless (to the people who will point out our mobility - ticks from bosses by running you can’t avoid, and it kills us more than others). By taking away 10% from our KC you will reduce our ST a bit (and ok I have nothing against it, I know what BM is in raid, I’m okay with less ST damage), but that 10% KC is also a HUGE REDUCTION in our AoE damage. Our AoE damage is dependent on pet damage. By taking this away even more you are taking away our ability to realize content M+. Back off these changes and better think about how to change BM in such a way that it is good IN EVERY CONTENT. Because every specialty should be PLAYABLE IN EVERY CONTENT.
Another issue is also the loot table change I mentioned earlier. If every week you could pull 1 item from each category (raid, m+, pvp) maybe I would turn a blind eye more. But it’s only ONE ITEM WEEKLY (if you are exceptionally lucky to collect all the max ilvl equipment is as much as 4 months). By making the ability to get max ilvl item from M+20 you limit the progress of many classes, you limit the equal development of all (people who play meta or have premade are very far from the others - while in the guild people progressed M20 already 8 weeks ago, I was only able to make my M20 with random people only 3 weeks ago. Why? Because I was limited by the equipment - because I didn’t have enough damage from a poorly adjusted specialization. And this equipment was also slower to acquire because the requirement for a better one required the realization of higher keys on which I could not get). Better think what rewards (mounts, transmog, better ilvl at the end of the dungeon) to provide for people progressing very high content (M+20 and above), and let the rest develop NORMALLY - especially not being able to provide EQUAL AND JUST conditions for this development.

Once again - back off these BM hunter nerfs. They are mindless, you have not thought it through, you will destroy us even more in M+ content. Think about how to rework this specialization, and for now let us play and get max rewards, which you have set really high (too high imo).


Explain the demo nerf to me. You stupid dev?

Demo is doing average dmg on council. Why the aoe dmg get nerfed?

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Also, do you know how many parses you need to get statistically meaningful ranking? Go get a high school degree.

Because. Of. Bugs.

All 3 warlock specs were bugged for all of day 1 and pretty sure day 2 as well, getting huge unintended damage gains.

The bug was 'fixed" but many warlocks had already raided and finished for the week, resulting in bugged logs at the top that take time to be manually filtered.

The bugs also weren’t entirely fixed. There were some cases where the bug would pop back up randomly, mostly for Aff and Destro, and seems to finally be correctly fixed as of Friday.

But the nerfs, especially the ones to Demonology, seem to have their reasoning rooted in their bugged performance data where it WAS overperforming. But the bug fix nerfed the damage considerably and now they’re catching further nerfs almost like two different teams are not communicating and the team doing these balance adjustments are acting as if the bugged data is correct, which it is not.


Looks at demo council logs

Yeah that middle of the pack damage must really need toned down to match the rest of the dps lmao.


I know Blizz is going to nerf Ret, no matter what. I’m watching Team Liquid’s Mes play a Ret Paladin, and his DPS is landing most of the time in the middle of the charts. No matter what, I’m sure Ret will get nerfed again. Blizz, you should have stuck to your guns and made paladins more consistent. I feel that after Tuesday, Ret Paladins will be below the Meta curve and land somewhere around the Upper B to lower A category in PVP.

They’re doing equal to meta, so… You should have made Ret more consistent… Wrong move overall for not doing that, but eh… I don’t PVP. I used to! But I broke 3 keyboards and knew it wasn’t for me. At the end of the day, I want fairness.

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Yeah Demo after the bug fixes is good but its the epitome of a sort of middle class spec. It does a lot of things acceptably but nothing greatly. Even when it comes to like snap aoe where Dreadbite and Demonic Strength are strong at, its still worse at this role than specs like Devoker and Warriors.


Yeah really our only reason to be brought to a raid is our 1min burst just happened to line up with all of the add / shield mechanics lol


Btw overwhelming feedback is calling you guys again, you should probably pick up the phone.