Class Tuning Incoming -- March 28

I wish that I could message you directly, Revlol. Be a bit more… informative. Whom are you talking to, and about what class? Fill in the gaps for me.

I can scroll up, and are 362+ people that you could be speaking to, plus yourself, Revlol. lol

I mean you could just scroll up.

These changes mean i’ll not be doing keys any more on Demo, even if i wanted to try to the community will realize our dmg is significantly below everyone else and won’t take us. Even with current values can’t keep up with some of the classes. Just did a 20 NO with a RET and DH I did 91k Ret did 94k and DH did 97k overall and all 3 of us @ 417 ilvl. Thats an AoE heavy M+ that leans towards our strengths so best case scenario and I definitely don’t feel overpowered. The fact that they are taking away such a large amount of % damage from our top 2 dps abilities will be a huge dps loss overall.

PS not sure why it has an alt hunter as my char

Bro it’s like 3 posts above you.

Flinda’s or Exaplume’s post?

I see :slight_smile: I’ve noticed that Warlocks need to ramp up in PVE. That affects their overall damage because they have to ramp it up. By the time the adds are dead, the group has to move to the next group immediately, or the Warlocks’ damage starts ramping down.

I think if they had kept things a bit simpler with Warlocks, where it’s 1 consistent pet that is equal to the health of Hunter’s pets and healable, like tanks, fury, and tenacity pets, these newer issues arising wouldn’t be an issue. When something is overcomplicated, it just complicates things even further.

The one who’s got the mini me icon in the top right corner of their post indicating they were talking to me, warranting my post, which is directly below them, to be directed at them.

It’s awful frustrating to play a game where you can grind for tens of hours to try to make yourself 1% more powerful, but overnight you can become 10% more or less powerful just at the whims of the developers.


Need to rethink all these PVE changes don’t go live with them.


Fire mage needs help, or mage in general, but I’m a fire mage. Have been since vanilla. Clearly not in the numbers, because god tier mages seem to be doing fine… but like, if your not that person? I’m a filthy casual these days, and I took the previous expac off. I skipped WoD as well, came back for legion it was fine. Now? I struggle. I mean my reactions are slower and there have been a lot of changes to the game, but mostly its the state of the class.

Over the past few expacs, the whole stand in one spot, and stack cooldowns thing has been doubled, or really trippled down on, while at the same time the game has never been more movement heavy. So to do optimal dps as a fire mage, I need to do a 4 second cast within an 8 second window, while standing in an 8y circle, while one shot mechanics get thrown at my circle. And the spec is so momentum heavy, that if i screw up, not only is my damage window that all of my damage comes from completely screwed, but the next one is delayed. Skill should improve your damage, but I’m just not good enough to play near perfect all the time. And that used to not matter as much. I got 95-98 parses in legion. I get like 30s now, with just a few (non fatal) mistakes. While other classes die around me, and then get rezed and go right back to blasting. Feels real bad.

What really sucks is the root causes of this are well understood in the mage community. I’m not alone. But when I search for some blue posts or any indication that this is even seen by blizz, I get nothing? I had to really search for a good place to post this little rant.

A cursory glance at the mage forums will tell you in more detail but our issues really seem to be as follows:

Rune of power is too good. Some people like the playstile, again it rewards skill and knowledge of the fights. I personally am not a fan. So some alternatives like it had when it was released would be nice, so that it wasn’t mandatory for every build in every spec.

the living bomb flamestrike thing seems interesting, but its sooooooooooo undertuned that it really doesnt matter. Thats something that could probably be fixed with just some % adjustments, which yall seem the most comfortable with.

as you saw in feedback from the set bonuses… hyperthermia is garbage at the moment. which is a shame, because I like run and gun mage more than stand still be a turret mage. I dont mind pyroclasm, but pyroclasm + skb + rop is a lot of needing to stand still. pick one? or make hyperthermia use skb and pyroclasm procs?

I like the momentum thing, but maybe make the skb window a bit longer, and allow for building stacks while holding the first charge? Would make it a lot more forgiving, and make minor mistakes minor. May even make it not totally punishing to do basic mage stuff I’ve always done like interrupt.

while we are making a list of things id like, lets throw in dragonriding aerobatics and 40 yard dragons breath. ty.

Just wondering what exactly these changes are based off of for DK/Hunter/Lock. If it’s just based off of raid dmg in the same week that the annulet came out it makes no sense, especially since raid isn’t the only form of content that people do in this game. I think a lot of people would appreciate dev notes for all classes that get nerfs explaining why they got nerfed. Simply saying the classes/specs were overperforming, then nerfing a spec like SV just doesn’t make sense.
Especially for hunter, what was the point of nerfing bow → giving compensation buffs → nerfing the class again? Would love some more transparency ^^


I play survival hunter this season and I will just represent M+ Survival hunter here.

Blizzard think our ST damage is overperforming, but you have no idea how hard to manage the mongoose bite window, and we DO NOT have any funnel/Cleave damage like rogues and enhancement do.

The 10% mongoose bite nerf, is the same as our 2 POINT talent “Sweeping Spear / Spear Focus”. The nerf is basically took away 2 point in spec talent for us.

We are NOT overperforming in any content right now, We are Squishy, Stomping by other hybrid class on overall damage, as ourself is one of the pure dps class.

You have no idea how many instant kick I had in dungeon finder as survival.
You have no idea how hard to get 100k overall in a key as survival.
You have no idea how hard to stay alive in a REAL key as survival.
You have no idea how happy I was when I finally reach 3K io by playing my OWN key as survival.

Really Blizzard if u want to nerf mongoose so bad, you can just remove “Spear Focus” talent and give us something better to talent into.

All the top warlocks like Sjele, Xerwo, THD, Kalamazi etc are super confused by the proposed Demo nerfs. Demo is middle of the pack when it comes to AoE, it’s just good at 1m burst AoE - that’s it. Just look at sustained AoE fights like Council and you’ll get a more accurate view of our AoE. It’s good but nothing really special. These nerfs will just make the spec even further behind the top dogs in high-end M+.


For beast master hunter, it is a joke to stay in Mythic + content. We do not have any survivability. Healer has to spend most of the time on us to keep us alive. And to make it worse, we have very mediocre DPS. This simply made us the least welcome class in Mythic plus content.

Now that you finally buffed BM hunter from March 21st 2023 for 10%. We are finally a little bit welcomed in some high key for mythic plus, why you immediately nerf us for 10% just one week after?

BM hunter is probably the largest community for Wow. Please treat us seriously.


I’m 100% sure the demo lock tuning changes, heh “tuning”, are based off of Erenog logs.

Literally the only way for them to think our AoE is to strong.

Literally one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen


The BM nerf is absolutely ridiculous ESPECIALLY when considering how garbage the onyx annulet has performed for that class.


How about that overwhelming feedback on the warlock nerfs?


Its not even like full salt from Warlocks, just abject confusion. Like sure, 2% aura nerf Affliction. Go ahead and nerf GoSac. No one cares. But the Darkglare nerf and especially the Demo nerfs are legitimately baffling. The Demo nerfs and justification provided are not even remotely backed up by the data post bug fixes.


I’m definitely confused about the Demo changes.

I’m just wishing there was more explanation from what this nerf came from.

If it’s from raid - and they’re looking at this week’s parses it’s so scuffed. And obviously we perform extremely well on fights like dathea, raz, broodkeeper if you’re on adds, but that’s because our 1min kit is set up perfectly for those fights, where burst AoE is required.

But nobody plays demo in keys… how would they possibly come to the conclusion that this is needed?

Don’t design our class around burst aoe, and when it performs well on fights where 1 minute burst is required you walk back on it.


Demo is doing 114k at Mythic>95th percentile > overall > 1 day

Putting them at Second spot overall right after Frost which is getting nerfed.

So that’s why nerf. It’s quite simple as that. You can’t have all 3 specs right on top by such margin

Its because of a bug they already addressed and fixed.