Class Tuning Incoming -- March 28

Blizzard lasted a full week before remembering that BM hunters are supposed to be forever C tier.


Hunters have literally nothing to offer but damage (can’t even keep ourselves alive half the time). Would it really be that bad if hunters were good at something for one patch?


Amen to that. I honestly think they made the change to neltharax and the subsequent BM buffs simply to get all the hunters who quit back into the game. Do they really expect us to believe that it took them 5 months to figure out how the most powerful weapon in the game was functioning? What a clown show.



In the words of blizzard the bow wasn’t working as intended. Yet it lasted for 5 months and they just turned a blind eye


it just feels like theres ju-ju beans and some gizzards on a table at this point. Taking one day to work out how to break things and months to years figuring out how to fix them. Every expansion shows theres poor balance between classes and specs. something needs to change.

anyway, this hamfisted approach is tiresome. Im GoIng To CanCeL my SubScriPtiOn.


Good thing Demo multi-target was nerfed bro… defs looking insanely strong over there in F-tier! 3 Specs for M+ and our best is barely above C-tier. Aff got a sniff of being good in a key other than Algethar Academy cheesing and instantly was stomped back into the ground… Now its literally useless in all keys. Now we just have to hope destro stays playable, its literally our only glimmer of hope left.

Again its crazy Spriest Psychic Link dodges tuning completely as they sit in S-tier for the 4th consecutive week, yet our mediocre M+ spec gets nerfed for “multi-target tuning” because a raid tier is released that is made for 1 minute aoe profiles. Honestly laughable.


Based on WCL overall, warlocks have 3 specs at the top so nerf is justified

But BM and SV are mid table. Why nerf them?


That graph was based on bugs that they later fixed. So it’s highly illogical to do tuning over it.

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sadly you know nothing about warlock class you don’t care about the feeling of warlock players. Warlock is really performing not good and has no competitiveness compare to other class in m+. It is performing good in raid but that’s because you buffed its st damage and you decided to make it good in the raid. but now you are destroying the warlock class in both raid and m+.


Thank god…

The start of this week had some huge bugs that were giving warlocks a ton of free damage. The bug was since fixed and logs since show a totally different picture and make the incoming nerfs, mainly the Darkglare and Demo nerfs, completely baffling. The logs dont back up their reasoning. Aura nerf for Aff, sure. GoSac?Whatever. Darkglare being too strong or claims Demo is suddenly stomping aoe? Completely false.

The only thing that makes sense is that the people in charge of balance are basing these nerfs off of the start of week parse data and current PTR test data but ignore that it was from bugs and that a separate team already fixed (on live, not PTR yet) them and nerfed Warlocks considerably via the fixes.

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I used 1 day > 95th overall mythic

Warlocks are still top after bug fixes

So the 10% nerf to Kill Command actually makes it worse than it was before the bow was nerfed. And Kill Command buff was supposed to compensate for the broken bow.

You know what? I am glad I don’t raid. I’d feel totally f’d if I did raid. You have now managed to ruin any benefit for the BM hunters who do raid.

I would feel sorry for them, but empathy seems to be counter to WoW values.

Let’s be honest. Most free game time expired in the past 3 weeks. So this is when most people resubbed or didn’t (the price of the game token in gold went up 50% in the past 3 weeks).

The rings will get nerfed, too. Thanks for putting so much time into farming them. You can’t have them anymore. You resubbed. We can stretch your time by nerfing the classes you like to play so that you can waste time on gearing other classes. MK??? see? it’s what you like right?

Happy go play now? Scoot.


Agreed, the class dev team must be basing their decisions on PI logs and videos rather than actually playing demo warlock. I have never been top in AOE as demo lock and its fine, but this nerf is unwarranted.

I used 1 day > 95th overall mythic Warlocks are still top after bug fixes

This is how the stupid class devs work, precisely! LMAO

You are clueless about the actual complaints.




Man the sv hunter got me depressed, like its the only thing we are good at, why is there no aoe buff at least?.
For me personally i love sv hunter, its the spec i have the most fun with, but we were already under performing in M+ and this nerf is such a low blow.
I know its cliche but it really tanks my desire to keep playing the game.
Please if someone that can make a change reads this, please reconsider the nerf or at least buff our AoE.

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Wait is windwalker seriously not getting its 3% damage nerf reverted??? Yall are trolling come on. We are bottom tier dps as is and we dont bring any dispel, lust, self heals, that all other classes bring, all we had is our damage and you managed to put us at the bottom of that department as well. This is ridiculous.

& That tier list is way wrong and inaccurate, those lists are such garbage… Affliction and Demo are both pumping right now and are ahead of many other classes including WW. Marksman is an S Tier dps right now and BM is a solid A … Frost mage is also A Tier now with fire. Stop believing everything you read, go out and experience it yourself, with all due respect of course. Some of us classes are ACTUALLY at the bottom in the gutter and still being ignored.

I see a mage, dk, and warrior on your account with nothing over 1800. Wanna be taken serious post on an account that you actually pvp on.