Class Tuning Incoming - March 12

Buff Blood DK Stamina, or armor by a real amount. You guys can’t dish out a talent rework in time (do that for war within btw), but at least let us compete with vdh / prot pally having infinite stops and utility for the group and also being way tankier. Don’t even nerf them, just make blood tankier at least so we can get to play high keys without exploding in 0.1 secs.

Considering I’m right about BM there’s a good chance in right about MM as well.

Like I said I suggest researching your damage profile.

You ignoring them doesn’t make them not there.

You are.

The only graph that matters is 95th percentile on each individual fight. A graphs showing all the fights combined is kinda worthless.

And anything showing all percentiles is also worthless.

Because people play the better performing spec.

As BM has been broken for a good portion of the tier most people at the mythic level play the better performing spec.

It’s why for Tindral I recraft my gear to play affliction because it’s better on that fight.

Heroic and below it doesn’t really matter. At a mythic level people tend to play the better performing spec

Keep thinking I bought my kills with a credit card. It’s just hard cope at this point.

Not a cope, happens when I read your “hard earned” achievs.

Yes I know, I said that, hence what I said right after that; there’s a correlation between popularity and best/bad specs.

Fair enough.

A quick look at warcraftlogs on ST fights; Hmmm oh yeah I’m not wrong. As you said, people prefer the best performing specs for each individual fight, which in the case of ST damage the fact that MM Hunter is so left behind it’s because it’s underperforming.

“mM hUnTEr iS noT mAde foR ST damaGE” I mean clearly is not; it has a messy rotation, poor mobility and there’s way too much punishment making any mistake. Unlike… Let’s say Ret? Which, as of now, it would seem very very powerful regardless of how you play it.

Priest changes are an insult. When I log in I’m taking smite off my bars because FU. Taking the piss with our class this xpack. Still ony spec with no stun or interrupt option, horrible mana, and stupid low damage. Just in general pathetic effort.

Meanwhile druids will still be OP as hell. I CBF any more trash job not impressed.

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You’re def coping since you keep implying I haven’t earned my kills. Not everyone plays this game at a heroic level.

It means absolutely nothing. Every spec is viable. Some just perform better. When you play at a mythic level you’re expected to play the better performing specs if your goal is CE.

Because it’s not designed as a ST spec.

If you take a spec that excels in both ST and AoE damage there’s zero reason to play any other spec. Blizzard does this on purpose.

You just lost what little credibility you had.

MM has the second best mobility of any ranged class in the game only beat by BM.

Please don’t ever play arcane. I honestly suggest playing BM. It’s braindead easy.

It’s also a braindead spec.

It’s insane that Ring of Fire went this long without seeing a nerf, that talent is busted and still will be.

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Not in pvp it has terrible mobility and defensives, which is why it has low representation in solo shuffle and other ladders

Even in pvp it still has the second best mobility of any ranged dps.

Where have I said anything about defensives?

Rep doesn’t mean much. Most people are playing BM because it’s even easier to play.

Like you and your achievs really.

You’re the one that bought it’s kills using that spec right? Lol. Hah, takes one to know one :laughing:

I’m… Ok dude. Ok

Oh yeah sure. There’s absolutely and without a doubt any spec that does that. Nah what?

There you go again, discrediting any graph or info regarding real numbers within the game. I wonder where Maximum has been getting his conclusions from, Hm?

Absolutely ridiculous. Why no buffs for [class]? It’s struggling so hard in [content]. Look at [resource]. But [different class] is getting buffed when it’s dominating. Clearly the devs don’t play this game.


Lol ok. Never claimed my achieves were special.

Never had a need to buy a kill. Keep doubling down on this point. It just makes you look obtuse.

You really have a hard time reading. I specifically stated that doesn’t happen because Blizzard doesn’t let it happen.

Because you’re acting like MM isn’t playable. You’re confusing optimal for playable.

afaik the base damage is 20% but it can be increased with modifiers. and it increases the range of their other shots and has around a 70 yard range.

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Embarrassingly bad nerfs to DH. Doesn’t even address the major issues. Will do nothing. Do better.

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Never meant it as if it wasn’t playable. My comments mean that the spec is definitely not on par with most of the other specs.

I wonder where you get this from, since you stated that any graph is just pretty much irrelevant and meaningless to measure a spec. You’re just delving into incongruity.

Not feeling so special about mythic echo now? :confused:

Anyway. I’m off to enjoy some wow :flushed:.

I’ve seen you trying to refute anyone that thinks it’s spec needs a buff and you say it as if you were such a good, spectacular player. Get off your high horse, you’re meaningless really.

Nonsense. There are plenty of other classes that can match our AoE just fine, dont have the stupid 3 to 5 target cap and can actually cleave 2 targets AND can do all this whilst having dramatically better ST as well. If what you said was true there would have been a tonne of massive nerfs to a bunch of classes ST or AoE to bring them in line with this theory.

Do you GENUINELY believe a class built entirely around a stand cast ability to do any damage at all has great mobility? If we have to move constantly about all we can do is spam arcane shot and steady shot for basically no DPS at all. We absolutely need to stand still to do any sort of meaningful DPS.

Please stick to things you actually understand.


Only people who play DH think these changes are meaningful.


Are you really surprised a aoe focused spec isn’t performing in primarily ST fights?

Because the graphs you’re using are useless.

A graph showing the average of every single fight with every spec is going to show worthless information which is why is discredited.

When you actually apply different factors the graph changes.

You’re just confirming what I have said in that you don’t have a big understanding of end game.

It’s farther than most people got. Still isn’t CE. Still doesn’t make me special.

Yet the only person I have talked to in this thread is you.

So keep making lies up to help you cope.

Correction I did respond to one warlock to say the pvp changes for rift were warranted.

60 days with no change in pvp… how cool… and seeing buff in mage frost makes my eyes bleed…
retri pala 0 changes bad survival kit
You pvpdev play another game.
need to renew these PVPDEVS, they are playing tibia

I seriously do not know where you got this from, having a lot of specs performing excellent in both ST and AoE. Clearly, you are making stuff up at this time.

I said that graphs work as an indicator. Not on my first post, yet on any other replying your nonsense.

Claims to be a mythic raider yet doesn’t know how to warcraftlogs. Thanks for proving my point :credit_card: :credit_card:

Thought someone so high up it’s a** would know that I meant on other threads and not just this one.

Name 2.

You have to stand still to cast one damage ability. Aimed shot. Everything else is either instant cast or a channel that can be used while moving like rapid fire.

What do you think casters like warlock/mage/shadow priest do? So yes anyone who thinks MM doesnt have the second best mobility for a caster in this game is flat out just bad.

Considering I have mythic experience on hunter I am sticking to things I know