Class Tuning Incoming - March 12

Icicles are generated by those skills, but the damage of Icicles is based on mastery, not how much damage those skills do. Buffing the basic rotation of Frost Mage makes talents that dilute the basic rotation (Glacial Spike, Ray of Frost, Comet Storm) relatively less valuable. Varies depending on how many targets.

Once again, Hunters are left in the cold. I know that no one at Blizzard knows exactly what Hunters should be. But, by Odins left almond. Somehow Blizzard has managed to make playing with guns and explosives, dull and uninspired.

To be blunt. MM is a joke. Aimed shot shouldn’t be a stand still or else ability. At the very least, make it lower your movement speed to a walking speed. Aiming, walking and hitting your target aren’t difficult. In fact, movement firing exercises are the best part of target shooting in the country. Theres no reason at all, that a Champion of Azeroth can’t do it.

BM, good lord. If any spec should be called Training Wheels. This is it. The rotation has decent synergy, but c’mon. Three main buttons with some CDs attached? How about, more than two pets permanently? How can you name a spec based on the 1982 Cult Classic Sword and Sorcery movie (The Beastmaster) and get it SO WRONG. Watch the movie. THATS a Beastmaster. Not the PetSmart version we have now. At least give us a couple of customizable utility non combat pets that follow us around or ride on our shoulders. Kodo and Podo for life! If you don’t get that reference. Watch the movie. It’s so bad, it’s good.

Survival…Less Kmart discount explosions and pet synergy abilities. More Florida Man on bath salts throwing an alligator and Michael Bay KABOOMS. C’mon, be better than Disney with their weak explosions. Give Survival Hunter some BOOM!


Believe it or not, there is still time to buff affliction


I don’t entirely agree with this. You could 100% make that argument for Devastation, sure, but Augmentation doesn’t really compete with Preservation in any capacity beyond it being an Evoker spec. If a healing spec is good enough to justify its raid spot, it’s good enough to justify its raid spot despite any possible redundancies in terms of utility. Resto Druid is one of the best healers in M+ and Boomkin is one of the best DPS specs in M+; Disc is an elite healer in all PvE settings, but Shadow is relatively good in raid (its execute damage is probably the highest in the game after all the buffs it received) and is pretty unanimously considered to be the second-best DPS spec in M+, behind Fire. Augmentation is still quite excellent in all settings, but Preservation is just bad.

And while Dracthyr aren’t a very good-looking race in general, how a race looks has absolutely no bearing on its representation at the levels of play where Preservation is heavily underperforming. If it’s being horrifically underplayed past the 3600 IO range or in Mythic raid, that has absolutely nothing to do with Dracthyr being ugly. It does, however, have everything to do with its horrifically restrictive 30yd range. It makes healing bosses like Tindral and especially Fyrakk a total nightmare because you will often have targets that are more than 30yds away from your Evoker at any given time.

People make Preservation work. Our highest throughput healer is a Preservation main this tier. But the people that make Preservation work have to be completely babysat in order to shore up its glaring weakness, and the end result of catering literally everything possible to your Preservation Evoker is getting a spec that… still can’t hold a candle to a well-played Discipline or Mistweaver (even after the nerfs) and cannot justify its raid spot over a similarly well-played Holy Paladin.

And as far as M+ goes, it has competitive healing output but does absolute peanuts for damage and has to hard-commit to said damage. A well-played Resto Druid is doing close to tank damage; a Resto Shaman that so much as drops Healing Rain is sustaining a lot of AoE damage; a Mistweaver can crank out 50k DPS in a single-target situation and still keep the party healthy; a Disc Priest can crank out even more DPS, has immense burst healing, provides extra survivability for your group, and doesn’t have to commit entirely towards one or the other either. And then Preservation has… mediocre damage, poor survivability, lackluster mob control, isn’t super tanky on its own, and has BY FAR the hardest time dealing with affixes like Afflicted or bosses like Manifested Timeways because it has 25% less effective range than any other healer spec.

Preservation is one of the highest dps healers. They’re doing similar overall dps to disc, mw, and resto druid. Check out or archon, the data is right there.

Preservation is also one of the best for dealing with affixes. Especially afflicted seeing that they have 2 dispels.

Aug probably hit dev harder than pres, but there were definitely a lot of pres healers that swapped to aug when it was released.

And I think you’re seriously underestimating how many people avoid Evoker because of the appearance. I’ve played every healer spec this season except for pres just because I can’t get past how ugly they are. There are a lot of players that don’t want to be a weird looking lizard.

The range is a huge problem. They should have the standard range that every other caster has. Short range isn’t class fantasy, it’s an unnecessary restriction. But that’s far from the only reason pres is a low represented spec.

Today we’ve developed an additional adjustment and added it to the OP of this thread.

Player versus Player


  • Call Observer health reduced to 6% of Warlock’s health (was 8%) and Laserbeam damage reduced to 8% of enemy health (was 10%).

This will go live with weekly maintenance tomorrow, along with all of the other adjustments.


actually such a good change

can we make it not randomly float 40 yards into the air too?


Oh, this is an unexpected and very pleasant last minute adjustment.

wait can we make glimpse make vengeful retreat a 45s cd too rq?


Such a good change

Just remove the observer. Tired of trying to ‘totem stomp’ and warlocks+ others getting free defensives because you have to spend 3-5 seconds trying to kill something.


is this an april fools joke? it’s 2 percent! and nowhere near the top of the list of priorities for pvp changes.

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still no DK changes?


Observer wasnt the biggest issue should have just nerfed destro more imo
Maybe nerf demo some while your at it


Do you guys remember that DKs exist in the game and sometimes try to PvP?


that is all druids needed in pve? 12% rejuv increases for resto?

sweet that must mean that druids are balanced and there is no need for any changes to guardian or feral. yay! oh wait…

blood dks in pvp are raid bosses and can’t be killed :wink:

laughs in demon hunter these nerfs are so minimal, our reign continues.


I feel like there were some Fury PVP updates that didn’t make the list…

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Fury needs all the love.