Class Tuning Incoming - March 12

Such a good change

Just remove the observer. Tired of trying to ‘totem stomp’ and warlocks+ others getting free defensives because you have to spend 3-5 seconds trying to kill something.


is this an april fools joke? it’s 2 percent! and nowhere near the top of the list of priorities for pvp changes.

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still no DK changes?


Observer wasnt the biggest issue should have just nerfed destro more imo
Maybe nerf demo some while your at it


Do you guys remember that DKs exist in the game and sometimes try to PvP?


that is all druids needed in pve? 12% rejuv increases for resto?

sweet that must mean that druids are balanced and there is no need for any changes to guardian or feral. yay! oh wait…

blood dks in pvp are raid bosses and can’t be killed :wink:

laughs in demon hunter these nerfs are so minimal, our reign continues.


I feel like there were some Fury PVP updates that didn’t make the list…

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Fury needs all the love.

The only changes we will receive will be more nerf to our already zero damage or bad defenses, because of course, DK being useful does not seem good to them, they do not consider that the ‘‘high’’ damage that we did was adequate, but allowing DH to be in tier S throughout S3, that it does more damage than any other dps in PvP and that it have more defenses than any other dps is all perfect, so much so that even with the changes they will make it will not be enough.

Did you guys even read any of the comments and feedback on this tuning post? Don’t get me wrong this is a decent adjustment but this is no where near the top of the list of priorities when it comes to PvP spec tuning.

And furthermore please, please visit Cyrios Community Council post titled “The State of PvP”. PvP needs more than just sub par class tuning once in a blue moon.

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Nah, leave Fury in the ground. Brain dead 2 button spec.

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MM is going to crush clothies in open PVP maps.

RIP clothies.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

Thanks. Don’t worry that according the mythicstats, healers have better class diversity than Tanks and DPS. That on average, healer balance is better than it has been the past 2 seasons.

Nope. Don’t worry that tank diversity and dps diversity is trash.

There aren’t enough healers and people like me decided to take it up because the MW playstyle is actually kind of fun for somebody like me who enjoys DPS more. Better nerf it! Will I stop playing it? Well I might if this nerf was enough to make healing too challenging.

All I know is that MW healing in high keys isn’t anywhere near as dominating as DH tanking or Mage/Paladin/Priest DPS dominating. Yet I only see 1 spec nerfed.


it seems that it is totally prohibited for MW to be even slightly strong…


I only look at these to see if brewmaster got any buffs, anymore.

I’m always disappointed. /:

You say you pay attention to that yet for almost the whole expansion, instead of any attempt to balance the classes at all, the A’s get stronger, & the D’s and F’s are practically condemned to staying in either. In fact this is the longest Arms warrior has ever spent in that tier when it comes to mythic raid. While I"m used to “let’s go with whatever” tradition of what it is to play (or design) WoW, I simply had to say it here, because your claim of taking performance into account simply demanded that I try to be logical. In any case, I shall keep hoping for the day you show the arms spec some love as well, rather than the approximately current rate of once every 10 years.


The mist spam vivify build WAS too strong. Fistweave is staying relatively the same