Class Tuning Incoming -- December 20

The irony is bleeding

Agreeeeed :see_no_evil:

a lot of adjustments done before we even have our full tier set.

hope it’s all smart moves.

Oh um, okay.


While I don’t think the buff is nearly enough to make the set valuable, can you consider changing the buff to raw execute damage or critical damage instead of more crit chance? Between up to 50% from Juggernaut, 25% from tier, 5% base, up to 4% from your talent tree and 20% while recklessness is active you already can end up with a 100-104% crit chance before any rating from your gear. This would feel especially bad for bloodthirst oriented builds that value the stat pretty highly.

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Well it’s a bit of both actually. The damage is really lackluster, but yeah if they added a way to spend excess rage with something that isn’t on GCD and actually does damage unlike WW or Slam that would be amazing.

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Double tap destroyed, damage nerfed by 3%.

Absolute :clown_face: show.


They need to dial back the fantasy that arms is a feral Druid or a rogue with the bleed nonsense. I wanna swing a big 2h and hit like a truck


3% changes each week is WAY better than 10% or 15% changes once a month.

All 3 Rogue specs dropped 3% but next week they can drop Outlaw another 3% and they will be about equal.


I’m baffled by the lack of Ret and Prot Paladin tuning.


oof this one kinda feels bad.
everyone gets slightly adjusted numbers but this one changes the play style a bit.

oh well.

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That’s why you play Fury! You get to swing 2 big 2 handed weapons!

For the record, I think dual wielding single handed weapons is much better class fantasy for Fury. I hate that Titan’s Grip is the default. Wielding 2 handed weapons should be for Arms.

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Arms has always been about Bleeds though. That’s its class fantasy. 1 really massive hitting ability with bleeds to fill out the downtime.

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Naw, there was a time where deep wounds and rend was meme status. They shifted damage to deep wounds specifically in BFA


inb4 one-shot by unavoidable damage other classes can survive, because Evoker is made of paper.

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Super happy to see some Affliction love as it’s completely in the gutter right now.


So are Paladins the baseline since they were entirely left out?


And I was really looking forward to playing MM this season…oh well BM it is.

PS: Why all the band aid nerfs? Put some effort in it pls.

I proposed lots of changes to Devastation, but i guess its just easier to buff damage.

Since our class has no interaction and our damage can be dispelled, like fire breath.

I guess i could leave with Devastation, just… Devastating…

Thanks for resto buffs :slight_smile: resto druids were struggling super hard in raids. Hopefully this changes stuff