Class Tuning Incoming -- December 20

now we know whats below the bottom.

No buffs for Frost DK…sobs

Obliteration builds are almost completely worthless.

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3% nerf for specs doing 30% more damage than everybody else? F you blizzard.


This unfortunately will not make evoker competitive in PVE, their damage will still be meh. This needs another pass.

They don’t need them. Blizz understands there’s a reason this class is an ADVANCED class, and it’s because it takes skill to be good with them. It involves a TON of positioning and aiming, as almost all of the skills have no range as a caster.

Oh yeah after the rest of the specs got benched and replaced by those overperforming specs. 5% would be the minimum of a nerf to those specs when they are doing 30% more damage than everybody else.

Time to try Affliction Lock I guess.

Wait so, Enhancement, which is hitting maybe somewhere between 110-130k lightning bolts, every 45 seconds, with the most predictable damage in the game, is getting nerfed, despite having the most gutted defensive kit in the game.

Yet, Demon Hunter, unkitable, unkillable, dodging big cooldowns with rotational abilities, healing for 60-70%, meta for 5 minutes, remain untouched? And shadow priests are getting a DAMAGE buff? What is actually happening right now?


You can already blow through MW mana bar in like 30 seconds in battlegrounds.

Mana regen nerfs for healers shouldn’t even exist in PvP. Even in full honor gear a couple geared DPS can blow you up in seconds outside of big cooldowns. You don’t need healers to go OOM to win outside of maybe small scale arena (which already has dampening).

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Very happy about the Frost Mage buffs.


I really like what you guys did to fury with the talent rework, but our tier set is still trash and the buff is insignificant, we are already crit capped in execute, this change now makes Ashen Juggernaut feels like a useless talent, just change the set to 15-20% execute damage or crit damage, slightly buff base execute like 3-5% and nerf Crushing Blow by 3%-5%. Also increasing the 4 set piece proc rate. And for the ppl saying fury is too strong or whatever just wait for a few weeks, when ppl get the tier sets fury will be bottom dps again unless is a cleave fight like the whole shadowlands

not sure what videos your talking about here but if they exist they may let Ytubers know early so more people will see the changes. Most people don’t come to the forums so these changes can go unseen and surprise people.

this is silly, nobody pays blizz to get early access to public info a day before it goes public

Their dot damage and Mind blast/spike was buffed. However, Their self heals, shield, fear, PW:D burst, and their dominant pvp talent was nerfed.

kinda suss when real life money is involved. why arent the videos labeled as sponsored?

no changes to

nether portal

breath of sindragosa

2 cds that are annoying as hell


Did you guys really just buff Resto druid who is already an S tier healer?

How about giving some more love to Resto Shaman’s who are at the bottom and can’t keep up with Dragonflight’s massive amount of burst AOE spread


@kaivax is there any update regarding ret paladin? We are underperforming in single target by over 20% compared to every other class with equal gear/skill. All these changes are nice but they aren’t even targeting the largest outliers. On the other end arcane mage is far far out performing every other spec in… well almost everything. But back to ret, we have many many issues, most of which probably can’t be fixed immediately, but at least doing enough single target damage to remain relevant would be nice. We have gotten like 1 blue post since early beta so would be nice to have any update.

Hunters too strong in pvp needed a huge nerf.




because they aren’t sponsored? there’s no money being moved here. Its a win win for both sides. Blizz gets free advertising and the Ytuber can make content to monetize. Nobody loses and both sides win. Its not that deep man

CAN YOU PLEASE BUFF RSHAMAN? blizzard what a you doing