If tanks cant survive in big pulls, in high keys. whats the point, we need to pull large to make time. Now were losing a buffer. We cant kill bosses or mobs by ourselves and when the party wipe we usually kill oursleves.
The only thing I’m worried about is that DPS will still continue pulling and dying while I’m keeping the tank that’s pulling too much alive.
I specifically chose this dungeon because pulls are LITERALLY 1 pack pulls.
This sheet proves my point that dungeons are over tuned — just look at density of mobs to stun/interrupt demand.
I’m not saying tanks aren’t overpowered, they are. What I’m saying is people out here pointing fingers to tanks when there are CLEARLY larger issues at play that EVERYONE needs to learn, including DPS.
Don’t stand in cleave, don’t stand in avoidable damage, learn to interrupt/stun.
People quick to blame tanks, meanwhile people don’t handle mechanics and/or face pull additional packs which leads to wipes as well.
Let’s not act like DPS dont pull more packs in, face pull additional packs, do mechanics, and stand in bad, because we all know you all do. You just have a problem cause you die and we somehow live and therefore “NERF TANK”
meanwhile DPSers speccing out of stuns, interrupts, and knocks for MORE DPS
Agreed, now with this nerf. I really want to see the outcome of blizzards bad decision making.
Let’s not try to push it off on your dead party that your doing a bad job. Just because you can survive it, doesn’t mean anyone else can…and that’s the reality of it. Tanks pulling way too much, too many interrupts to handle and wiping their party.
You wont make time if there isnt no big pull, tanks take into consideration mob size, time left in the timer, healer mana. and how slow the dps is killing mobs or bosses.
Rogue is fine. I haven’t even been running leeching poison and I still feel pretty durable. Outlaw if that makes a difference.
Sounds like dungeons are overtuned with too many interrupts, stuns, and knocks required on trash.
Thanks for agreeing with my point.
Every trash pull shouldn’t be an encounter unto itself. Why is trash harder than the actual boss fight? Its trash.
Blizz, stop tuning things for MDI 1%ers.
“It’s ok for your customers to have fun”. I couldn’t agree more!! For me personally, feeling powerful is fun, and I don’t begrudge survivability and stomping ‘foes’, be they pve or pvp, that at all! We should all have that! We all pay our subs, shouldn’t we all feel powerful? I don’t understand how after 17 years, we still have problems with balancing classes to ALL feel great about what we’re playing! I feel like I have more I want to express about class balance, and class identity but after all these years, same arguments…I dont have the energy to care about it anymore. Apathy kills a game faster than a 10% nerf. I wish you the best in your travels, Fel.
Incorrect. But thanks for trying to change what I was saying to fit your dialogue. Shows clearly how hard your working to muddy the issue.
I want balance, not just calling for nerfs on every class stronger than mine.
How others don’t see there are fundamental issues with the current design philosophy leaves me to believe most of the community is inept. Tanks are overpowered AND content is over tuned are statements that can BOTH be correct. Just because one is “easier” to adjust doesn’t mean it’s the right decision. If they kept Shadowland design with current builds, we wouldn’t be having these conversations. The issue with current dungeons is a manufactured issue caused by Blizzs change to dungeon design.
i do like that comment, balance, don’t want my class to one shot people in pvp I want the challenge of a good fight, i don’t want a class so tanky that he can just sit there and see me hitting them and their hp doesn’t move,
- i want to be able to be worried about other classes as much i want them to worry about me.
yeah…i see mostly well-needed changes…bravo!
lol…yeah…that’s the first thing i thought, Mathay!
Am thinking you should have included a healing buff across the board to accommodate for these changes. Besides isn’t one of the reasons for the nerfs to increase the healers role?
Nothing like nerfs and a valor cap to make me so happy I bought a year sub for stupid mounts. Lesson learned.
Idk what the problem is?
So, after years of having a tank drought because it was the least fun thing to do, you make tank kinda ok to play. Then in your infinite wisdom you see other roles having less fun than tank so instead of improving those roles, you knee-cap tanks to make them as miserable as everyone else?
Welp, I wont be tanking pugs then, or doing it in duty finder. Have fun trying to placate your throngs of dps who cant play the game because no one wants to deal with the frustration of tanking for them. I am thoroughly convinced that no one at blizz who makes these decisions actually plays their own game anymore.
In foxhole, when logistics was terrible and un-fun to play, the logistics players went on strike and basically made the game unplayable for everyone else until the devs finally paid attention to them. Maybe the tanks of WoW should go on strike? No tank queues in duty finder. No tanks for pugs in group finder. As long as we keep tolerating this garbage blizz has no reason to care and no incentive to listen. Tanks should unionize, it seems to get blizz’s attention.
Thank you for nerfing slaughterhouse, I mean I didn’t want to play fury anyway after all these years of it being non-viable. Everyone really wants to play arms…said nobody ever…if you want to put them on a level playing field just give fury a sharpen blade talent or something. Thanks for gutting fury, make sure to buff DH damage soon because it is clear that they are not strong enough.